Surrogate Argumentative Essay Paper

Surrogate Argumentative Essay Paper This is an argumentative essay. It will be base on the essay I upload. I need you to add more words to it and make it longer as a 5-page essay. I mean at least 5 pages.

Surrogate Argumentative Essay Paper
Surrogate Argumentative Essay Paper

It should be in MLA style and at least 5 sources in the correct format. those are some information from the teacher: Remember, you are allowed to use essay 2 as a rough draft, but to count as an acceptable draft for essay 4, it must include at least some research and a Works Cited page. The final draft will need to be six pages, plus a Works Cited page, using at least five outside source. Write up a formal sentence outline for essay 4. 15 points for outline, 10 points for making comments on the outlines of fellow students.

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