Survey: Impacts on the Outcome Assignment

Survey: Impacts on the Outcome
Survey: Impacts on the Outcome

Survey: Impacts on the Outcome

Order Instructions:

Can you please tell how the types of data collection or instruments used could have influenced the outcomes of the data for Cooperative Agreement for AIDS Community-Based Outreach/Intervention Research Program,? such as self report or survey Also, what were the greatest threats to the validity of this study


Survey: Impacts on the Outcome

Survey is a data gathering instrument that is used in collecting information from a population through the use of same procedures for each and every individual in the entire population. This method may take the form of electronic media, face-to-face or even telephone communication (Creswel & Plano, 2009).

The size of the population is very critical in determining the accuracy of the outcome. This is so because, in case the population is large, there will be need to use a sample to represent the entire group after which the outcome will be generalized; and in case the population is small, all the items in the group may be used, hence, higher accuracy level. However, at the same time, a smaller sample to represent an entire population is more effective since it gives the chance of further follow ups through the use of contacts (Gilbert, 2005). The key factors affecting the survey outcomes include the timing – a proper survey should be in such a way that it may be conducted at all the times; and mode – this implies the approach that is given to the survey, which influences the general outcome and time taken to come up with the outcome.

The designing of the questions used for the survey is a second most important factor in the coming up with satisfactory outcomes. This is so because, the use of simple and uncomplicated questions is very advantageous as the respondents will give very accurate responses. At the same time, the choice of whether to use open ended or closed questionnaires is also a very crucial decision to make (Denscombe, 2010). For the open ended questions, there is a chance of getting more information, though this may also be misleading due to respondents being out of line. On the other hand, the closed ended questionnaires are good for getting accurate data, though, the responses will be limited to the questions asked.


Creswel, JW & Plano Clark,V,L (2009). Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research. London: Sage.

Denscombe, M. (2010). The Good Research Guide for small-scale research projects.3rd ed. Berkshire, Open University Press

Gilbert, N (2005). Researching Social Life. 2nd ed. London: Sage

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