SWOT ANALYSIS Campus Clinics Assignment

SWOT ANALYSIS Campus Clinics
SWOT ANALYSIS Campus Clinics

SWOT ANALYSIS Campus Clinics

Colleges and Universities that offer health science and healthcare related degrees that require skills practice, should have a free clinic available to the community. This will be a small service clinic with basic skills for the students to practice or shadow on real life people instead of mannequins. Virtual reality and mannequins are no match for the real thing. The first few interactions with patients are going to be nerve wracking, this starts off small, for example vital signs, and makes real patient care the normal – because it will be.

Read about it here!


DoTERRA is a company that sells essential oils, body products, supplements and household cleaning items. According to doTERRA’s website, “the doTERRA founders were committed to providing only the highest quality and purest essential oils so that families could know with surety that they were using only the best to promote health and wellness for their loved ones.” DoTERRA’s products are healthy products you can trust. In the future, more people will be using essential oils to support their health and wellbeing.


The doTERRA Story. (2019). Retrived April 1, 2019, from https://www.doterra.com/US/en/about-our-story

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