Talent development Essay Assignment

Talent development
                Talent development

Talent development

Order Instructions:

The final part of your essay asks what you can do to contribute to talent development within your organisation. During the course of this module you have encountered a considerable amount of theory and knowledge regarding talent development.
This week, you will complete the final phase of your Personal Development Portfolio.

Your PDP will be a document you will regularly revisit throughout your programme; be sure to keep it in an accessible place so you can update it with new goals, reflections on your learning, and plans for further study, development and research.

To prepare for this PDP Assignment:

•Review your first submission with your Instructor’s feedback.

To complete this Assignment:

•Write an open letter of approximately 550 words to a leader or manager of your organisation making suggestions on how your organisation can take advantage of talent development. Use your knowledge and understanding of the concepts you have explored during the course of this module in your letter.

•In formulating your PDP Assignment, consider the following questions:

o How has your approach to and the concept of your talent development style evolved as a result of your study in this module?

o What specific tools, principles and talent development theories have influenced and/or shaped your Personal Development Portfolio?

o What tools, principles and theories will you implement in your current professional position?


Talent development

Talent development style

            In the modern-day business environment, there has been a dramatic change in human resources roles within corporate structures. This is because the business environment has become very uncertain and highly competitive, and this is compounded by the diverse information technologies’ development, changing workforce’s structure, and the knowledge society’s requirements. There is a focus on strategic human resource where HRs are engaged in the general business strategy. Collings (2014) noted that organizational development through implementing total compensation systems, leading corporate communications, and training is part of this. A reconsideration of strategic goals at the organization should not exclude talent management, which introduces novel strategic goals through which leadership succession and hiring processes can be streamlined using staff lifecyle model. The model can greatly help in guiding the workers through all the phases of their career from recruitment based on competency, career development, and transition or termination. During every stage, the HR should strive to manage as well as measure the performance of the employees using support, feedback, and training.

In the present economy, the talent management component is very  fundamental for business success since it enables companies to increase productivity, retain top talent (high-potential and high-performing employees), drive revenue, and improve employee engagement. Therefore, using talent management can help in sustaining or building a talented workforce (Al Ariss, 2014). The HR would be better placed to retain deploy, develop, and recruit the right employees.

Most influential principles, tools, and theories

A strong culture of talent management makes it easy for a company to rate itself as a workplace (Al Ariss, 2014). In connection to this, if the workers in an organization have a positive image about the practice of talent management, they will be confident about their workplace’s future. As a result, the workforce would be more engaged, determined, and committed to outperform the competitors and promote the company’s leadership position at different levels.


            For the company to remain ahead of the competitors, every action should be aligned to the strategy. Therefore, the talent being selected should align to the strategy. Moreover, strategic flexibility should not be ignored. According to Collings (2014), the company should remain aggressive at revamping the talent approach if necessary and making adjustments based on the changing business conditions. Additionally, there should be internal consistency where the talent management practices should fit with all others, rather than be isolated.

It is important to integrate the business principles and core values into the processes of talent management including performance management systems, hiring methods, benefits and compensation programs, and leadership development activities. The behavioral standards and core values at the organization can also be promoted through training and secondary socialization (Al Ariss, 2014). Talent management processes should have broad ownership where leaders at all levels should be involved in succession planning, recruitment, retention of the principal employees, and leadership development (Trost, 2014). Involving line managers can help in developing leaders since they would be involved in recruiting talent and developing the employees’ knowledge and skills.

Furthermore, the managers should have a deep concern about responding to the local demands and at the same time, having a coherent management approach and HR strategy. This is one of the ways through which the company and employees can be branded through differentiation. Trost (2014) emphasizes that differentiation helps in attracting workers who have the proper attitudes and skills. Again, emphasizing on CSR activities can help a company get ahead of the competitors.

Reference List

Al Ariss, A. (2014). Global Talent Management Challenges, Strategies, and Opportunities. Springer EBooks. Cham, Springer International Publishing.

Collings, D. (2014). Integrating Global Mobility and Global Talent Management: Exploring the Challenges and Strategic Opportunities. Journal of World Business, vol. 49 iss. 2, Pp. 253-261.

Trost, A. (2014). Talent Relationship Management Competitive Recruiting Strategies in Times of Talent Shortage. Springer EBooks.

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