Terms on purchase agreement Assignment

Terms on purchase agreement
Terms on purchase agreement
Terms on purchase agreement

Terms on purchase agreement

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the sale of goods act imposes terms relating to goods matching samples or descriptions and meeting standards of fitness quality,and title. explain the nature of these implied terms and their effects on the parties. determines which are conditions and which are warranties and explain the effects of this distinction.explain the effects of exemption clauses in the purchases agreement which states “that there are no implied terms, and that the only terms are those contained in the agreement.


Any business entity selling goods to clients is required to consent to certain implied responsibilities, as described by the contract. The consumer’s legal rights require that the product being sold has not only a satisfactory description but one that is valuable to the consumer.  As such, contract agreement where consumers are disallowed to compensation following mislabeled or defective products are seen to be unfair under the guidelines.  Moreover, the usage of such disclaimers is likely to mislead consumers with regards to their statutory rights. Diverse descriptions can have the impact of disregarding liability for unacceptable goods.  For instance, the customer has the legal footing to seek redress in the event of defective goods especially if the defect stems from misinformation of labels (Carter, 2013).         The Sale of Goods Act also gives the statutory mandate to the consumer to inspect the goods and reject them on grounds of faultiness.  Appending a signature on the delivery of goods is not reason enough to warrant a success completion of the business deal, instead goods should be tried out to ascertain the veracity of its authenticity. However, a legally binding contract on both parties requires full compensation in the event that one party fails to live up to the expectations of the contract.  Statutes that restrict liability are subject to the same criticism as those that omit it.  Thus far, compensation would be awarded in the event of a loss or damage of sorts that involved parties might have anticipated for that matter.  Nonetheless, the supplier has a legal standing to fight it off lawfully. Such a gesture cannot be seen to be unfair under the law (Carter, 2013).


Carter, J.W (2013). ‘Party Autonomy and Statutory Regulation: Sale of Goods’.                                         Journal of Contract Law 2013

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