The Authors Main Purpose in Writing the Article Summary Article Summary

1. Read the article carefully. Identify the author’s main purpose in writing the article.
2. Re-read the article, this time underlining the main points of the article and keywords that express these main ideas.
3. Write a short summary of the author’s primary purpose in writing the article.
4. Write short summaries of each of the author’s main ideas.
5. Revise your summary so that it reads smoothly.
6. Document your summary in APA style. See D2L – Content – APA Resources.
7. Format and submit your essay in D2L on or before December 29, 2018.
Be sure to include the required below:
o APA title page
o Two page article summary (two complete pages – 1 ½ to 1 ¾ is unsatisfactory).
o APA reference page.