The Biggest Hire in School History

The Biggest Hire in School History

The Biggest Hire in School History

Case Study Guidelines
Your written report should be typed and no more than 5 pages double spaced; not including references. The report is to be submitted via Blackboard.
Remember that there are no single “right” answers for case studies. Instead, there are analyses and solutions for a case.A successful case study report will likely contain four sections.

The Biggest Hire in School History
The Biggest Hire in School History

The following is a suggested guideline for preparing your case study report.

The Biggest Hire in School History Executive Summary

Section 1: Executive Summary
• Briefly summarize the case
• Outline the issues and findings of the case study (i.e., formal coaches and the athletics)

Section 2: Ethical Decision-making Process
• Identify the ethical decision-making process by Kellison (2013)
• Identify the key issues found in the case, about why AD Washington must consider ethical decision making and inherent risks that come with hiring a coach
• Be sure to properly reference all relevant theories and course concepts using APA style

The Biggest Hire in School History Section 3: Coach Hiring Process

• Identify SWOT of Whitfield University Athletic Department
• Identify and discuss real-life occurrences of coaching selections—those that went well versus those that did not. What are factors that go into the decision-making process, and what are the consequences of good versus bad selections?
• Be sure to properly reference all relevant theories and course concepts using APA style

Section 4: Selecting an appropriate candidate
• Summarize advantages and disadvantages or strengths and weaknesses of each of the six candidates.
• Identify the best candidate for the position. Justify your choice by explaining how it will solve the major issue(s) and how he is well fit in the athletic department.
• Identify alternative selection as there is likely to be more than one selection. Briefly evaluate it in terms of advantages and disadvantages.
• Add if you have recommendations in the hiring process.

The Biggest Hire in School History APA Formatting

• Title page + Main Body + References
• Double-spaced; 1 inch margins
• 12 pt; Times New Roman
• References: Alphabetical order

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