The Colonel by Carolyn Forche
In this assignment worth 100 points, students will write a literary response regarding the poems:
1) “The Mango” by Mary Oliver
2) “The Colonel” by Carolyn Forche
The literary essay should analyze the many ways in which the two poems INTERSECT. What are their similarities? What do the two poems share?
Beyond the poem’s situation, you should play close attention to the way poems look or their appearance on the page: their structure, repetition, word choice (diction), symbolism and of course their use of figurative language.
Please follow the correct format below:
Name, course and course section at the top of the page (NO cover pages, please!)
Title of assignment: your own critical title – NOT “midterm exam”
12 font, Times New Roman or any other legible font
Double-spaced lines
Appropriate paragraph breaks: each time you have a new idea, a new paragraph needs to be started.
Document must be PDF format
Perfect vocabulary (no misspelled words, please. Use your dictionary)
Proper sentence structure (use Grammarly to help you with proper grammar and mechanics. You can also visit the English language tutors in CDCLI.)
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