The difference among mediation conciliation and arbitration

The difference among mediation conciliation and arbitration
The difference among mediation conciliation and arbitration

The difference among mediation conciliation and arbitration and how these are used in labor disputes

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explain the difference among mediation conciliation and arbitration and how these are used in labour disputes


The difference among mediation conciliation and arbitration and how these are used in labor disputes

Mediation, conciliation, and arbitration are alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods that have proven, in some cases, to be more expeditious, private, and economical than litigation. Nevertheless, these three methods differ in their effectiveness when applied in labour disputes.

Mediation involves the use of a neutral and impartial third party to facilitate the process of dispute resolution between the parties involved (Sourdin, 2002). The neutral and independent third party does not make the final decision for the parties, but only facilitates the negotiation process by laying down the issues, needs and wishes of the parties. Arbitration, on the other hand, is a dispute resolution method which involves an independent and impartial third party who makes a decision that is final and binding on the parties involved. Unlike mediation which is voluntary and non-binding, arbitration limits the control of the parties over the final decision. Lastly, conciliation involves the use of an impartial third party who attempts to build a positive relationship between the parties involved in a dispute, drives their negotiations, and directs them to a satisfactory decision. Conciliation is less adversarial than arbitration. However, conciliation differs with mediation in the sense that the conciliator greatly influences the actual resolution of the dispute. The conciliator exhibits more power on the parties and he is perceived as an authority figure responsible for proposing the best solution for resolving the dispute.

Mediation, arbitration, and conciliation pursue the same objectives which include reduced congestion in courts, fair outcomes, prompt hearing, and access to justice (Sourdin, 2002). Conciliation and mediation aim at maintaining the existing labor relationship and rekindling the lost power balance between the parties to a labor dispute. Mediation has proven to be the best ADR method in the United States due to the fact that it gives the parties a chance to make settlements which are economical, practical, and durable


Sourdin, T. (2002). Alternative Dispute Resolution. Pyrmont NSW: Lawbook Co.

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