The Effects of Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices Paper

The Effects of Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices Paper
The Effects of Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices Paper
The Effects of Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices Paper

The Effects of Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices Paper

Order Instructions:

Doctoral Study Proposal Draft: Your Research Problem and Social Change

Topic is The Effects of Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices on Employee Performance.

As part of your Doctoral Study Proposal, you will articulate the potential ways in which your proposed research project will positively affect social change. Keeping your goals in mind, and thinking about the literature that you have reviewed, you should be able to formulate a clear statement of the problem you have identified for your doctoral study research. Recall that a research problem worthy of a doctoral study must be broad enough to be significant to others outside your immediate school community. It must also be specific enough, however, that a research project can be designed to examine it.

• Discuss how your research problem is sufficiently significant to be of interest to leaders who have a goal of positive social change.

It is important that the writer pay attention to all details in this order and follow how to formulate a clear statement of the problem you have identified for your doctoral study this is critical and the writer must follow all instructions here.

Also APA and in text citations critical for this papers as the writers have previously ignore this and I am getting very bad feedbacks in regards to that. the writer must use in text citations for all my papers.


Human Resource Management

The performance of most organizations is affected by the performance of their employees. Such organizations that want to be successful have to understand that a working human resource organization is an essential aspect of that development. It has been observed that the success of any company is dependent on the behavior and the decisions of its employees. Other contradicting factors like how big the company is and the mature of its environment may be hindrances to organizational success. For this reason, human resource management practices are used to evaluate employee performance in an organization. Improving the human resource management practices has been proven successful in improving the performance of employees (Boyne & Entwistle, 2009).

An employee uses their skills, abilities, knowledge and overall experience to complete assignments by their managers and employers in an efficient and effective way. The benefits of the performance of employees can be on several key factors. They can assist in estimating and controlling the cost of the resources that were used to perform specific tasks. They can also be helpful is assessing the quality and even the amount of work done. HRM practices in employee performance can be of assistance in the survival and interaction between organizations and departments. Besides, they can help in the assessment and attainment of performance goals that also help in the making of good decisions (Andresen and Nowak, 2014).

Some of the proven methods of evaluating the performance of employees can be based on getting a strategy that identifies employee characteristics that are beneficial to the organization (Boyne & Entwistle, 2009). Another practice that is of importance is one that assesses their behaviors that affect how effective they will perform a task. In addition, HRM practices that can also be employed are those that show whether goals and objectives of a job have been met.

The effects of Human resource management on the performance of employees depend on how the employees respond to them. They will tend to bend towards the perception of these employees towards these practices by HRM. The impact of human resource management will influence how effective the employees are. Human resource practices in the hiring and training of staff influence the effectiveness by providing the required skills. The adoption of appropriate selection practices will subsequently add value to the overall organizational productivity. Training is seen as a tool that is useful for improving the performance of employees in any organization (Ingley, 2015).

The planning for career seems an efficient practice by HRM to affect the influence the performance of employees. When employees are allowed in increasingly participating in the firm, there will be an observable increase in the levels of production (Price, 2011).

Practices that are geared towards the compensation of employees for their efforts in a firm have proven to have motivational and attraction factor to employees. Regarding the expectancy theory, it can be argued that the performance of an employee or a group of them will directly be influenced by the pay (Andresen and Nowak, 2014). Employees, therefore, will work hard to increase their efforts in a bid to get a better pay. Increased employee performance by compensation will lead to the overall rise in the performance of the firm. This practice’s effects can be increased by channeling more resources towards employees’ compensation based on how well they perform. This practice is the most widely used practice in HRM as it gauges and rewards staff for their performance (Price, 2011).

The implementation of the best human resource management practices equates a higher performance by the employees. This good performance is transferred to the overall success of a company. Proving these theories in HRM practices and their effects on the performance of employees should thus be a priority of many human resource based studies. Results will encourage many organizations to adapt quickly many of these practices to increase their overall productivity. By the development of a highly effective workforce, the organizations will have achieved double success by improving the overall welfare of their workers and the organizations productivity success (Boyne & Entwistle, 2009).


Boyne, G. A., & Entwistle, T. (2009). Public service improvement: Theories and evidence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

In Andresen, M., & In Nowak, C. (2014).Human resource management practices: Assessing added value.

Ingley, C. (2015).Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on management, leadership and governance. Place of publication not identified: Academic Conferences &Pu.

Machado, C., & Davim, J. P. (2014).Work organization and human resource management.

Price, A. (2011). Human resource management.Andover: Cengage Learning EMEA.

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