The Enduring Impact of Race and Crime

The Enduring Impact of Race and Crime This paper should discuss:
Whether ‘Jim Crow’ has ended or taken a new form in the present-day United States.
Did the end of Jim Crow laws end disparities between white people and people of color?

The Enduring Impact of Race and Crime
The Enduring Impact of Race and Crime

What are the research findings in the areas of race, crime and law?
Explore the adaptability of racism and its impact on U.S. legal frameworks and the criminal justice system.
Summarize whether ‘Jim Crow’ has taken a new form in the U.S.
Suggested Outline:
Race in American History (2-3 pages)
• Before the Civil War
• Civil War Era
• After the Civil War (Jim Crow laws)
• The 1960s
Did the end of Jim Crow laws end disparities between white people and people of color?
• E.g. Voting Rights Act of 1965 and
• E.g. Civil Rights Act of 1964
Discuss research findings in the areas of race, crime and law to explore the adaptability of racism and its impact on U.S. legal frameworks and the criminal justice system. (at least 5 pages)
• Racial and ethnic disparities in crime
• Racial and ethnic disparities in the criminal justice system
o The police and minorities (including racial profiling and use of excessive force)
o Adjudication (sentencing)
o Incarceration
Conclusion (up to one page)
• Summarize whether ‘Jim Crow’ has taken a new form in the U.S

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