The Evolution of American Public Safety Agencies

The Evolution of American Public Safety Agencies Instructions:

The Evolution of American Public Safety Agencies
The Evolution of American Public Safety Agencies

Although there are no page or word minimum requirements, posts should be well thought out.

Discuss two of the bullet points from the Local Police Management texts and two bullet points from Managing Fire Services text.

Make sure the pages are fully complete grammar is correct, and work is cited (give the owner credit.) Also, one source is always good for the paper.

The Evolution of American Public Safety Agencies

Professional Communication = standard written English; correct spelling/punctuation; correct APA in-text citation and reference.

All parts of all questions must be answered. Critical Thinking/extending information = logical thought based on connections to experience, research, readings, etc.

Discuss the Following:

Discuss the pros and cons of consolidating law enforcement and fire/EMS services

Discuss human resource management in career and volunteer fire/EMS departments

Discuss the concept of line-item budgets

Discuss the procedures for procurement of fire/EMS capital equipment

Discuss traditional police patrol assumptions

Discuss the changing concept of crime prevention

Discuss the history of criminal investigations

Discuss the pro and cons of using “red light” cameras to enforce traffic laws

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