The Great Gatsby Essay Assignment Available

The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby

Write two pages (4-5 paragraphs) on the character you believe to be an antagonist to Nick, to Gatsby, or to both men.

Answer the following questions in your essay:

  1. What qualities does this character have that make him or her an opposing force?
  2. How might encounters with the antagonist change Nick or Gatsby?

As you write your essay, make sure to complete the following instructions.

  1. Your opening must do the following:

Include an underlined thesis statement containing your essay’s main idea. Include a sentence listing specific ideas to be discussed in paragraphs to follow in the body of the essay. Bold this sentence.

  1. Other suggestions: You MUST quote from the novel “The Great Gatsby” (21) using textual evidence to support your assertions about the essays central questions.
  2. Include an interesting closing that does not merely repeat what you have said earlier in the essay. Provoke thought, stir interest, quote from an outside source, etc.

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