The Have and Have Nots Essay Assignment

The Have and Have Nots
The Have and Have Nots

The Have and Have Nots

Book: Families Now; diversity, demography, and development By Robert Crosnoe

-Read Chapter 4 and answer the questions

– please answer the questions together with the answers

  1. Explain how income effects and substitution effects apply to a high school graduate’s decision to attend college during times of economic hardship.
  2. Describe how the Wisconsin model of status attainment and the family process model explain the transmission of socioeconomic status from parents to children.
  3. Define absolute poverty versus relative poverty.
  4. Explain how poverty is measured in the United States and describes some of the flaws in this method.
  5. Describe how risk factors and protective factors operate to influence a person’s life change.
  6. Describe the change in welfare policy from AFDC to TANF
  7. Compare the results of the New Hope program to the Moving to Opportunity for Fair Housing.

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