The History of Franks and Gregory of Tours and Einhard

The History of Franks and Gregory of Tours and Einhard Please pay attention on the quotation. Please follow the way how it quota and where the quotation should from.

The History of Franks and Gregory of Tours and Einhard
The History of Franks and Gregory of Tours and Einhard

The thesis is also very important! Please clearly give the thesis statement and make it interesting. This is an western civilianization
class. So, for this assignment you need to clearly western or not. Clearly use the quotation to explain why it western.

The History of Franks and Gregory of Tours and Einhard Reading resources

Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks 2: (c)Paul Halsall Einhard, Life of Charlemagne: (c)Paul Halsall
Week 9 Assignment: Gregory of Tours and Einhard
Background: Gregory of Tours was a bishop of Tours in north France in the later sixth
century. One of his principal works, The History of the Franks, describes how the Franks came to govern much of France (Roman
Gaul) amid and after the decline of the western Roman empire. Book 2 of the work describes the deeds of Clovis, the first
Christian king of the Franks who governed in the later fifth and early sixth centuries.
Einhard was an associate of Charlemagne (Charles I) who was active in the late eighth and early ninth century. His most famous
composition is his biography of Charlemagne, the Carolingian Frankish king whose empire spanned much of western Europe and who was crowned emperor and Augustus by the contemporary pope at Rome in 800. Charlemagne was also famous for patronizing scholars
involved in both classical Latin and Christian learning.
Question: Many scholars maintain that the western half of the Roman empire collapsed in the fifth century as various Germanic kings carved out their successor realms. Other scholars, however, cite the works of
Gregory and Einhard as evidence that Germanic kings were discharging Roman governance much later. Based on the readings and previous topics covered in this course, which view do you support?

The History of Franks and Gregory of Tours and Einhard Paper Format

Formatting: 1-­-1.5 pages, New Times Roman, double-­-spaced, normal margins
Structure: First Paragraph: Thesis and 2 Solid Supporting Arguments Second Paragraph: Supporting Argument 1 Third Paragraph:
Supporting Argument 2
Citations: Provide specific citation of relevant passages of Gregory of Tours or Einhard in your text, either as part of a
sentence [“According to Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks 2.4…”] or as a parenthetical insert [“…then Einhard
describes Charlemagne as follows… (Einhard, Life of Charlemagne)”]

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