The History of Phrenology in Ancient Egypt

The History of Phrenology in Ancient Egypt Finding a total of 6 sources (2 primary / 4 secondary sources) on Ancient Egypt Phrenology.

The History of Phrenology in Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt

The topic is The history of phrenology in Ancient Egypt.
You have to find total of 6 sources.
2 should be primary.
4 should be secondary.
2 of 4 secondary sources should be the ones that explains the 2 primary sources.  Ancient Egypt
After finding sources, you have to come up with simple research question, and working thesis.
Those sources should be provided with Link and bibliographic entry (in chicago-style footnote ion style) After finding sources, you have to come up with simple research question, and working thesis.
Those sources should be provided with Link and bibliographic entry (in chicago-style footnote ion style)

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