The Indian rebellion of 1857 Essay Assignment

The Indian rebellion of 1857
The Indian rebellion of 1857

The Indian rebellion of 1857


You will be required to write an 6-8 page (1500 – 2000 word) critical essay addressing one of the primary themes that we cover in the class. Possible subjects might be, for example, the establishment of company rule (early colonialism), the economics of high colonialism (the late nineteenth century), the development of nationalism in British India, communal politics in the lead up to partition ñ or other topics of your own choosing (and verified by me.).

Once you have chosen a specific topic for you essay, you should develop a concise argument. That is, you need to advance a specific angle of investigation that is yours. A term paper does need to summarize the arguments and information that you have researched, but it also must reflect your own, independent, analysis of the same. At least three scholarly sources (academic books and peer-reviewed journal articles ñ in print or online) should be used to substantiate your argument. Encyclopedias, textbooks, popular magazines and newspapers are not acceptable scholarly sources. Media outside of scholarly publications (internet sources, movies, etc.) are not acceptable unless approved in writing by the instructor at least three working days before the due date for the essay. An information sheet for citing reference will be posted on the course website. The essay will be graded by the coherency of its structure, the validity of its central premise (thesis), the depth of the research it demonstrates, as well as by its grammar and clarity of prose.

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