The influence that customers have on business activity

The influence that customers have on business activity
The influence that customers have on business                                             activity

The influence that customers have on business activity has increased in recent years. What HRM implications does this have for workers and managers?

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The influence that customers have on business activity has increased in recent years. What HRM implications does this have for workers and managers?

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The influence that customers have on business activity

HRM is the devolution of many aspects of the management of people of different specialization and directing their specialty directly to the line of management within the organization. HRM consist of offering; equal job opportunities and compliance, carrying out job analysis, recruiting, selecting, motivating and retention of the employees, carrying out human resource planning, performance evaluation and compensation, training and development, labor relationship, safety, health and wellness.  Always the effective HRM focuses on the activities of the business rather than the record keeping, and written procedures of the business through the use of the rules and policies that are outlined to help in the running of the organization and offers solutions to the realized problem. This paper will look at the implication that the customers’ activities have caused to the HRM.

Customers demand for the compensation due to fail or accident caused by the goods or services offered by the organization (Halbesleben & Stoutner, 2013).  . Different countries have different policies that are outlined on the compensation and this has led to the daily adjustment of the HRM objectives and goals which has led to the problem towards achieving the goals of the organization. The HRM must always outline the policies in line with the goals of the organization and these compensation challenges may destabilize the organization especially where the goods are exported to different countries.

Most customers have realized the importance of the analyzing the company’s ethical practices, the environmental issues of the organization, the level and quality of the products offered and this has greatly affected the demand for the goods and services. HRM must therefore analyses these environmental issues and formulate the ways to develop good environment within the organization, recruit workers with new skills to maintain the good image of the business and produce of high quality to meet the customer’s need (Kalpina, Sania, & Javed, 2013). This will change the system of the HRM operation and HRM will have to have frequent check on the competence of the employees and recruit where appropriate.

Customers have increased their involvement in the business approach i.e. establishing a balanced stakeholder orientation.  Customers have different approach towards obtaining the goods they want; other may have a self-centered approach where they purchase goods without involving in any communication with the stakeholder employees (Ullah, & Yasmin, 2014).  Others may carry out operations like boycotting purchase and even spreading the worst information to other buyers. HRM therefore must change their operation and carry out daily training of the employees and even evaluate them on daily basis.

Customer base line orientation of the company is a result of the relationships that takes place during work related interactions (Croitor, 2012). The initial approach of the customers towards the company has changed the environment and most of the organization is opting for the potential customers. Due to this the initial relation with the customer tends to bring more customers and HRM must ensure quality production and daily training of the working personnel on how to make customers have good ethical relationship with the organization to enable the organization to maintain its customers and bring in more to the organization or business (Feng, T., Wang, D, Prajogo, 2014).

HRM should therefore study frequently the behavior and changes of the customer needs and change their policies and operation as per the change realized. HRM should realize that they are responsible for the management and contagious transformation, shaping processes and cultures that together improve the quality and the capacity of the organization.


Croitor, L. 2012. Consumer Utility Theory to Business Management. USV Annals of Economics & Public Administration, Vol. 12 Issue 1, p138-143.

Feng, T., Wang, D, Prajogo, D. 2014. Incorporating human resource management initiatives into customer services: Empirical evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms. Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 43 Issue 1, p126-135.

Halbesleben, J & Stoutner, O. (2013). Developing Customers as Partial Employees: Predictors and Outcomes of Customer Performance in a Services Context. Human Resource Development Quarterly. Vol. 24 Issue 3, p313-335.

Kalpina, K., Sania, U., & Javed, H. 2013. HR Management Practices and Customer Satisfaction: The Mediating Effect of Effective Supply Chain Management Practices. Global Business & Management Research. Vol. 5 Issue 2/3, p137-160.

Ullah, I & Yasmin, R (2014). The Influence of Human Resource Practices on Internal Customer Satisfaction and Organizational Effectiveness. Journal of Internet Banking & Commerce. Vol. 18 Issue 2, p1-28.

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