The Marrow Thieves
Read & Analyze the book The Marrow Thieves (dystopian, utopian, or both?) – Gender Studies
This assignment asks you to read and analyze The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline
4. Essay question: The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline could be read as both a dystopian
story about colonization and colonial violence, and a utopian story about Indigenous resistance
and futurity. In your essay, analyse whether or not this novel is dystopian, utopian or both.
In your answer, you might consider themes relating to language, culture, the environment,
gender, sexuality, community, family, colonization, or political resistance, among others.
1. Building on the readings and the in-class discussions we have had about the class material, this assignment asks you to write an essay with an introduction, conclusion, and multiple body
paragraphs. In your introduction, give a brief summary of the novel in addition to outlining
your thesis statement.
2. You must have a thesis statement that responds to the essay question. In your essay, you
must integrate material from both the novel and from AT LEAST TWO academic sources.
These academic sources can be class readings or outside sources. You may also include
non-academic sources such as book reviews or blog posts but they will not count towards
the two academic sources needed. Please underline your thesis statement in the introduction.
3. Please use correct MLA (8 th edition) citation style, citing ALL material you have taken
from the novel, readings, and outside sources if applicable. (MLA citation style also applies
for page numbers, title page, double-spacing, page layout etc.)
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