The Montara Oil Spill Research Assignment

The Montara Oil Spill
The Montara Oil Spill

The Montara Oil Spill

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The Montara Oil Spill

Description of the Issue

The world has been experiencing various disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, and other forms of natural disasters that pose threat to all living things. However, in August 2009, Australia was attacked by an oil spill that took place in Montara oil field in the Timor Sea, which was named Montara oil spill. Montara development project is owned by a company known as PTTEPAA, a subsidiary of Thai production public company limited (PTTEP) and PTT Exploration Company (Cheremisinoff, 2011). The development is situated at Timor Sea that is approximately 250 kilometers in the western side of the Australian coast. The spill occurred after the blowout and fire in the wellhead platform of Montara. Surprisingly, the lick continued for the next 74 days without stoppage although the government and the company worked hard to stop it. The intervention to stop it became successful on the third of November. Within this time, the leak was spreading and threatening the lives of people along the shore. Australian marine safety authority reported that the slick was about 170km from the coast of western of Australia and was moving towards the shore (Guertin, & Neville, 2011). Thai technicians estimated that the flow was about 1500 barrels in the early stages which reduce late to 400 barrels.

The issue in Relation to Common Good and Social Justice

The Montara Oil Spill is an issue of common good or social justice. One of the most dangerous disasters is oil spill. The spill poses threats to all of living things since it interferes with the food chain. Benestad (2012) says that the effects of oil spill stays for years before it ends. An example is Exxon Valdes oil spill which still has the effect on the environment. The issue of montara oil spill looks at the welfare of animals and human beings. Oil on the surface is capable of preventing the passage of oxygen into the sea. In this case, animals including fish are killed destroying the food chain at that point. It is an issue of common good in that, the oil on the surface of the sea can easily explode to an extent that kills plants and animals. The government and the companies involved took a lot of time to stop the slick, however, the companies looked at the welfare of individuals who were affected and rewarded handsomely. On top of that, as assign of social justice and common good of the future generations, the government employed strategies and rules that governs oil exploration so that individuals are not threatened and lives at their best of state. Guertin and Neville (2011) say that by doing that, the government and the responsible companies looked at the welfare of the society which is the principle of common good and social justice.

Stakeholders and their Perspective

There are various groups known as the stakeholders who are involved in this issue in one way or the other. Such stakeholders include the company who was responsible, the Australian government where the issue occurred, the people of Timor who were affected by the issue, and the environment which was affected by the issue. Their perspectives that are discussed here evaluates whether they showed a concern of common good or social justice.

The companies such as Thai-based Company, PTTEP Australasia (PTTEP AA) did not show the common good of the community at the early stages of the slick. Any person can agree that with the help of the government and global companies, the slick could not stay for 74 days. It is therefore the obligation of the company to act as fast as possible because its present in the country is what has caused the spill. Later on, the companies accepted their responsibility that showed social justice. Scibilia et al. (2012) argue that by just agreeing that they were responsible, some people forgive them. The company has pleaded guilty of the act. Fitzpatrick pleaded to be guilty and says that “Mistakes were made that should never be repeated.” The chief executive ken says that “From the outset we have admitted responsibility for the incident and deeply regret it occurring,” in this manner the gentlemen showed their concern for the community about the incidence. The company went ahead and compensated those who were directly affected by the incidence. The company has also changed the culture of operation which assures people of unlikelihood of such incidences in future to protect communities and its people.

Secondly, show of social justice by the Australian government has been criticized in several ways. First, the country prioritizes the economic development and leaves people and the environment at a risk. Even before the incidence happened, the government new that exploration of oil along the shore is not only unhealthy, but also put a lot of threats to the sea. A good way they would have shown the social justice and common good is any prohibiting exploration of the oil in the area. Two, other than just acting after 74 days to get the solution, the government took long duration before compiling t reports about the incidence. It seems that the government is less interested in the community affairs. Martin Ferguson The minister of resource and energy says that the penalties will be put up to $ 320 dollars for companies that will be engaged in such in incidences. According to Cook and Wasson (2013) such kind of penalties would have been long time ago after observing the effects of oil spill of Exxon Valdes. As much as there are mitigation processes about natural disaster, the Australian government has not shown social justice by just giving a fine of $1.7billion to such a wealthy company.

The people of Timor are considered to have suffered the negative side of the social justice. This is through the Australian, Indonesian government and the company. Both of the above parties took considerable time to mitigate such a deadly accident. Report through questionnaire identifies the three groups as very irresponsible and slow in matters that concern several lives. Although the directly affected people were evicted and given shelter by the government after the company compensation, indirectly affected people up to now pose threats to the future generation. The report revealed that there are possibilities of liver intoxication that results from oil compounds. These later problems have not been addresses by either the governments or the company.  Therefore, if these conditions are genetic as said by Benestad (2012) the future generation is likely to be affected. All these acts violate the principle of social justice and common good as the future generation is liable to suffer the sins they never committed. It is for these reasons that the people of Timor have seen the other side of common good.

The role that the environment plays to both human beings and animals was violated. The oil spill has affected the life of marine animals and fishes.  The lives of birds were also threatened as their wing got stuck on contact with the oil. The mitigation process of using dispersant chemicals reached west Timor which resulted to loss of livelihood of many individuals. The interest of economic development has passed the interest of the environment which host animals and plants. If the government and the companies were in deed considering the common good of individuals, they would have not used another chemical that could pose more threat to people. The compensation does not reclaim the affected land. The company and the government delays on the safe process of montara reclamations so that it becomes to be the home of fauna and flora again.

Analysis of the Issue in Relation to the Stakeholders’ Perspective

There are stakeholders that became part of the issue to see a change in future. Their main reasons are governed by the principles of common good and social justice. These stakeholders believe on the principle of human flourishing which states that “to live within an optimal range of human functioning, one that connotes goodness, generatively, growth, and resilience” (Appleby & Kenny, 2010). Flourishing is the opposite of both languishing and pathology, which are defined as living a life that feels empty and hollow. Flourishing is an optimistic psychology notion, which is a degree of overall life well-being of individuals and is seen as important to the idea of personal success and happiness. These stakeholders are the government, the environment leaders, people of Timor and the religious leaders.

Environmental leaders argue that the environment is the home of all living things and should be kept at high level of sanity. Pritchard, the Director of the Environs Kimberley environment group argues that he was disappointed by the fine that was given to the company. He says “it was an absolutely massive oil spill,” he argues that the fine was too small for an oil exploration company. The environmentalists argue that making the environment clean by all parties is a social justice and common good for both current and the future generation. It is for this reason that Pritchard says that reclaiming the Montara region is more beneficial than compensating the individuals.  The point of environment reclamation arises from Exxon Valdes that has taken years to be reclaimed and still pose threats to sea animals and fish. Leaders of the environments’ arguments are based on the reports that the long existing compounds of oil can intoxicate even the future generation. As a result, they say that the common good of people and social justice will only come after the environment where man leaves is made safe for their existence.  Benestad (2012) adds that in making political and economic decisions, states should focus and evaluates the effects on such decisions on the environment which is the home of people.

When the interests of individuals come to be the priority of the nation, social justice becomes the order of the day (Renn, Baram,  & Lindøe, 2014). That is the stand of Timor people. In this situation, the government gives the economic development a priority and neglects the citizens. Melé (2014) says that when the economic principle become the priority of the state, the leaders can do anything including sacrificing the citizens to gain political and economic fame. As the stakeholder of the issue, the agreement between the companies and the government to allow the oil exploration on shore without proper precaution of spills which have been seen in other countries was a move to violate the social justice and common good of the citizens. Thus, there point concerning social justice is that people’s interests in a country should come first before the economic interest.  In this case, people of Timor are likely to get intoxicated; they have been evicted from their place of living hence the principle human flourishing is violated as people of Timor live under condition that they must survive.

The religious leaders draw their argument from religious perspective and sandwich it with human flourishing. They say that no human being should suffer the consequences of other human beings. The act of subjecting innocent individuals to serious suffering such as contacting liver diseases does not only violates religious principles but is also injustice.  The religious consequences of the act are harsh and can lead to total demolition of the company out of the country. Religious leaders also agree with environmental leaders that the company has been given small fine that is incomparable to the effects It has caused to the future generation that will be affected by the oil compounds since it takes years to disappear from the environment. In a bid to stop future explosion, the religious leaders called for an environment that regards God’s creations as important aspects in the world. Hence, a culture that respects them should be fostered.

The fact that the government has employed and initiated acts such as a fine of $320 billion on companies that may be caught in such incidence in future will assist to guard the common good. In this manner, the companies will ensure that every aspect of precaution and mitigation actions is put in place to avoid human humiliation and violate the social justice. The government has also provided the shelter of the evictee after compensation that calls for the principle of human flourishing. Although people of Timor are complaining of future effects of the oils spill, the government has solved the current problem.


Following this discussion, it important to negotiate a balance that exists between social justice and development; environmentally sustainable development and just development. After evaluating those aspects regarding this case study, a definition of social justice, human flourishing, and common good will be automatically seen. Therefore, the oil company should put the interest of its citizens first before the development interest. The company should also look for better solutions of such predicaments if they happen in future. If those factors are observed, both the company and the government will be institutions that foster human flourishing, common good, and social justice.


Appleby, B., & Kenny, N. P. (2010). Relational Personhood, Social Justice and the Common Good: Catholic Contributions toward a Public Health Ethics. Christian Bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies In Medical Morality16(3), 296-313

Benestad, J. (2012). 4. Seeking the Common Good through Justice and Social Justice. In , Catholic moral thought (p. 143). The Catholic University of America Press.

Cheremisinoff, N. P., & Davletshin, A. R. (2011). Emergency Response Management of Offshore Oil Spills : Guidelines for Emergency Responders. Salem, MA: Scrivener

Cook, E., & Wasson, K. (2013). The Common Good and Common Harm. National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly13(4), 617-624.

Guertin, L., & Neville, S. (2011). Utilizing Google Earth to Teach Students about Global Oil Spill Disasters. Science Activities48(1), 1-8.

Melé, D. (2014). ‘Human Quality Treatment’: Five Organizational Levels. Journal Of Business Ethics120(4), 457-471.

Renn, O., Baram, M. S., & Lindøe, P. (2014). Risk Governance of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Scibilia, D. P., Giamario, P., & Rogers, M. (2009). Learned Piety: Education for Justice and the Common Good in Jesuit Secondary Education. Peace & Change34(1), 49-61.

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