The most effective strategies and rehabilitation programs
You have been asked to compile a 2000-word report that evaluates the most effective strategies and a rehabilitation programs that can employed for a football player to enable them a successful return to play after Anterior Crucial Ligament reconstruction.
Title: AS2 Case Study
You are working with a strength and conditioning coach for a professional football clubs under 21ís academy team. A centre forward has recently undergone ACL reconstruction.
The player is now 8-weeks post-op and has been cleared by the orthopaedic surgeon to begin more progressive rehabilitation. You have been asked to compile a 2000-word report that evaluates the most effective strategies that can employed for this player to enable them a successful return to play.
You are required to evidence an understanding of the rehabilitative demands required for an athlete following an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
You will need to evidence understanding of the different issues that will need to be addressed for this athlete to be able to return to their sport (e.g. restoring range of motion, addressing strength deficits, addressing loss of neuromuscular control) and provide an evidence-based critique of the effectiveness of a range of rehabilitative strategies (e.g. open v closed chain exercise; mobilisations for restoring range of motion; reactive neuromuscular or agility based training) for restoring the deficiencies this athlete would need to address
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