The Myth of the Strong Female Lead

The Myth of the Strong Female Lead Understanding Social Life
What? So What? What Now?
For this assignment you will need to open one of the links below about Gender, Sex and Sexuality.

The Myth of the Strong Female Lead
The Myth of the Strong Female Lead

In these link you will find an abundance of stories, news-clips and videos related to gender, sex and sexuality.

The Myth of the Strong Female Lead Assignment Guidelines

Your task is to select ONE story or video of interest, and respond to it in 3 paragraphs using the What, So What, What Now? approach. See below:
What? – In a paragraph, summarize what your story was was about.
So What? – In a paragraph, describe why this issue or topic is important. Make a personal connection if possible. What does this say about our society?
What Now? – In a paragraph, speculate on the future of this topic. What can be done to improve the issue in our society? What is currently being done with this issue? How will this impact our society going forward?
Here is the link for the topic
This is the title of the article I picked.
The Myth of the Strong Female Lead

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