The Norton Introduction to Literature

The Norton Introduction to Literature Develop an original, insightful thesis statement that compares the poem you presented in class to at least one other poetic selection from The Norton Introduction to Literature.

The Norton Introduction to Literature

Within your analysis, discuss how the meaning is informed by content (plot, setting, symbolism, etc.) and form: lineation, rhyme, meter, alliteration, diction, or other rhetorical features. Within your analysis, discuss how the meaning is informed by content (plot, setting, symbolism, etc.) and form: lineation, rhyme, meter, alliteration, diction, or other rhetorical features. Within your analysis, discuss how the meaning is informed by content (plot, setting, symbolism, etc.) and form: lineation, rhyme, meter, alliteration, diction, or other rhetorical features. Within your analysis, discuss how the meaning is informed by content (plot, setting, symbolism, etc.) and form: lineation, rhyme, meter, alliteration, diction, or other rhetorical features.

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