The Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods

The Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods Getlein, Mark. Living with Art, 11th Ed.
Chapter 14 and 15 of Getlein, Mark. Living with Art, 11th Ed., New York: McGraw-Hill, ISBN13: 978-0073379319
1. First Assignment
Distinguish between the Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods in terms of time and cultural developments. Compare and contrast specific examples of artifacts, practices, and systems of belief.

The Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods
The Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods

Discuss why art survives or does not. Include the four reasons Getlein cites for how art survives, giving an example of art work from both the Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods that meet one of these requirements. What types of art work or materials would not likely survive? How might this affect our opinion of a culture?
2. Second Assignment

The Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods Description

This is a two-part discussion – be sure to clearly label each part of your response. Both parts should be submitted together in the same initial post.
First, describe the shift in the Roman Empire that created Byzantium in the East and what would eventually become Europe in the West and explain the impact of this political, religious, and social split on the art produced in these regions in this era. Provide specific examples of particular works of art or architecture to illustrate your points.
Second, trace the subsequent development of art in the East and the West from the Early through the High and Late Middle Ages by citing specific works of art or architecture and describing characteristic features these works exemplify. Be sure to include the each of the following terms in your discussion:
• animal style
• Carolingian
• Romanesque
• Gothic

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