The Police in America by Walker Katz

The Police in America by Walker Katz Answer the questions in paragraph form & please utilize our Textbook “The Police in America” by Walker/Katz to answer the questions.

The Police in America by Walker Katz
The Police in America by Walker Katz

1) Discuss the Newark Foot Patrol Experiment and its findings. Chapt 7
2) According to Sir Robert Peel what were the functions of police patrol? Why patrol is considered the backbone of policing? Chapt 7
3) Domestic Disputes are an important order maintenance situation for the police. Explain how domestic violence policies evolved in local police departments across the United States. Chapt 8
4) What were the expectations that a citizen has when they call the police as identified by John Meyer? Chapt 8
5) Explain the roots of community policing by explaining ‘The Broken Windoes Hypothesis.’ Please include social disorder and physical disorder.

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