The Problems of philosophy
- What philosophical problem or question is Russell addressing in this chapter?
- What is Russell’s main thesis in the chapter?
- What is Russell’s argument for this thesis?
- What are the strongest objections to this argument?
- Do these objections succeed?Some guidelines:
- You should clearly state each of the premises and the conclusion of the argument you discuss.
- Each premise should be at least somewhat plausible, and the conclusion should be supported by the premises (i.e., if the premises are all true then the conclusion is either definitely, or probably, true).
- The argument you present may include one or more implicit premises (an assumption that Russell seems to rely on, and that is required in order to establish the conclusion, but that Russell does not explicitly state).
- This is an essay. Don’t just answer each of the questions above and consider the job done. At a minimum, you need to include an introductory paragraph and smooth transitions between paragraphs.
- A good objection to an argument must identify a specific weakness in then argument. Typically the objection will be that a specific premise is either false or not supported by the evidence.
- In considering whether the objections to the argument succeed, you should think about how Russell might reply to the objections, and whether such a reply would be effective. For example, if the objection is that a specific premise is not adequately supported by the evidence, you should consider what additional evidence Russell might produce in support of this premise.
PHIL 1010 (online) Paper Assignment
- This paper does not require outside research. Please avoid trying to find outside resources discussing this piece. If you must bring in outside research, cite it appropriately.
- Plagiarism is using somebody else’s words or ideas without crediting the source. Students found to have plagiarized will receive an F in the course.
- The quality of the writing (grammar, spelling, style, organization) counts towards your grade, but far more important to me in assessing the paper are clarity and precision (saying exactly what you mean to say and effectively communicating this to your audience), relevance and completeness (saying what needs to be said and no more), accuracy (not making any major factual or logical errors), and creativity (exhibiting independent, original thinking).
- The paper must be a minimum of 500 words not including notes and citations. It should be double spaced and submitted in .rtf, .docx, or .pdf format.
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