The program learning outcomes for the completion of the BSN degree

The program learning outcomes for the completion of the BSN degree

Introduction: This evaluation tool consists of tables that contain the program learning outcomes for the completion of the BSN degree.  Under each program outcome, the student will provide thoughtful reflection covering how they feel they have met each outcome.  This evaluation tool is designed to make it possible to see a student’s development as they complete the nursing curriculum.  It will help provide standard measures for student, course, and program evaluation.

Instructions: Students complete this form with evidence from their learning of how the intended outcomes have been met.  Complete each table with an emphasis on the overall program outcomes in the top blue box in each section.  Students complete the reflection box under each outcome using a compilation of the self-reflections completed throughout the program.  Please combine, update, and revise the compiled reflections to display a culmination of your learning in a logical format.

Self-Assessment: Program Outcome ­

Program Outcome 1:

How did you contribute leadership to promote quality care and patient safety and which courses helped you most?

Student Reflections:








Points ____ / 5


Program Outcome 2:

Explain how you Integrated evolving knowledge into clinical nursing practice and mention courses for your examples.  

Student Reflections:








Points ____ / 5


Program Outcome 3:

How and when did you demonstrate skill in utilizing healthcare technology and information systems?

Student Reflections:








Points ____ / 5


Program Outcome 4:

Explain how you applied knowledge of health care policy, finance, and regulatory environments to advocate for quality health care. Give some examples.

Student Reflections:








Points ____ / 5


Program Outcome 5:

Give some examples to show how, when and why you collaborated with inter-professional teams to improve healthcare outcomes.  

Student Reflections:








Points ____ / 5


Program Outcome 6:

Give examples of how you provided health protection and promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention to individuals, families, and populations. Mention courses that prepared you to meet this outcome.

Student Reflections:








Points ____ / 5


Program Outcome 7:

Were you able to demonstrate behaviors that reflect altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice? Give examples and mention which courses helped you meet this objective.

Student Reflections:








Points ____ / 5


Program Outcome 8:

Discuss how and when you were able to adapt nursing care to meet the needs of patients across the lifespan and healthcare continuum, respecting variations in populations, environments, and access to care. Mention courses that will help you to achieve this objective.

Student Reflections:








Points ____ / 5


Final Thoughts (Optional):

Student Reflections:                                                                                                  

       Please make any suggestions for improving this course or how to better meet the course and/or program outcomes.





Program Completion Requirement:

The University of Arkansas General Education Core Curriculum Requirement

To earn a baccalaureate degree, each student will be required to accomplish six goals and achieve the learning outcomes associated with each goal.   For the Online BSN program, the six goals are being met in a variety of courses (as indicated on each syllabus for in-program courses) including your prerequisites.  The final goal (outlined below), is met in NURS 4701/4092, also referred to as the capstone courses.

GOAL 6:  Gain the ability to synthesize, integrate, and apply knowledge developed throughout the undergraduate years.

Requires student work that meets Learning Outcome 6.1

Learning Outcome 6.1:  Upon reaching this goal, students will be able to reflect upon and explain how they use the skills and abilities embodied in Goals 1 through 5 in completing an integrative project in their major during their junior or senior year.

Learning Indicators for Learning Outcome 6.1:

To be certified as meeting this outcome, an assignment must require the student, as part of a credit-bearing course, (a) to produce a significant written paper, as defined by his or her major, or an equivalent project incorporating performance and/or multi-modal text and/or images (Quality Improvement Project in 47014/4092); and (b) to explain in an additional document of at least 1250 words the degree to which the completed assignment (Quality Improvement Project in 4701/4092) involves at least three of the following sets of skills and abilities:

  1. Written, oral, and/or multimodal communication abilities
  2. Quantitative literacy (This relates to the skill of gathering data and evidence from research)
  3. Characteristics of inquiry and action in the major (nursing) and in one of the Learning Outcomes under Goal 3 besides the disciplinary area of the major(Humanities, Social Science, Fine Arts, Sciences).
  4. Diversity awareness and/or intercultural competency
  5. Critical thinking and/or ethical reasoning

Student Reflections:                                                                                                        


Please complete the 1250 word reflection in the box below incorporating at least three of the skills and abilities above.  Please note that this will not be accepted without the full required word count. 



Students, please don’t type your 1250-word essay into this space. Please type it on a separate Word document so that I can get a word count on it, as it is a requirement that the 1250 -word count is met. You will submit this form addressing the program outcomes and submit the 1250-word essay to the same assignment link.





















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