The Role of Stakeholders in Passing the Proposed Amendment

The Role of Stakeholders in Passing the Proposed Amendment
The Role of Stakeholders in Passing the Proposed Amendment

The Role of Stakeholders in Passing the Proposed Amendment

Order Instructions:

This paper is due in 24 hours and most importantly it should 4 pear review articles use as references. The paper must contain a minimum of 275 words and the writer must clearly address all the different subtitles clearly indicating each as a subtitle before discussing it. The writer must use very credible sources to write the paper.

Explain the role of a politician, a voter, an activist, and a lobbyist in the public policy change process. Hear below is the book but it can only be use as one references , so you will need 3 other references from pear review articles to complete the 4 references for this paper.


Mason et al.: Policy and politics in nursing and healthcare

•Unit 4: “Policy and Politics in the Workplace and Workforce” (Chapters 47–53)
•Unit 5: “Policy and Politics in the Government” (Chapters 68–73)


The Role of Stakeholders in Passing the Proposed Amendment

Stakeholders are the key assets in the wealth and growth of an organization. It is important that the knowledge and power of influence the stakeholders have on the quality management process is noted. Implementation and quality of the work in the management process, requires the developments in the cultures quality based upon the need and expectations of the stakeholders (Bryce, 2012).

The identifier groups that are known as stakeholders are also known by rights, ownership and interests of the organization, and the its activities. The managing of the stakeholders and the pronouncement of needs, allows for success while implementing the quality in the management of processes.


The politician is usually the initiator of the entire process through getting the public aware of the need for the change that may need to be done. They should encourage the involvement of the public in the process of reformations as well as seeing to it that democratic human values are upheld. They are the ones who also support paradigm shift to see to it that there are reforms to social change (Jaeger, Sarin, Bertot, & Gorham, 2014).

The Voter

Once a motion is passed, it is the role of the voter to either pass it into a bill or it be thrown out. The voting process id carried out in several stages before an amendment is eventually considered. They also have the power of selecting the people they would wish to represent them through voting, unless the system does not uphold democratic rights of individuals (Hill, 2014).

The Activist

An activist, who mostly is a member of the opposition alignment, plays the major role of ridiculing the moves and suggestions by the various politicians. Usually, the activist monitors the processes of the organization, and in case of an amendment, the usually see to it that it is done in the best interest of the public. They mainly act to challenge power structures that happen to be at the brink of a social change (Carter, 2005).


These are usually activists that have the duty of representing the organizations, maintaining public relations, and persuading the government into enacting an amendment that may benefit their respective groups by influencing the decisions (Dinan, 2011).


Bryce, H. J. (2012). Players in the Public Policy Process : Nonprofits As Social Capital and Agents. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Carter A. (2005). Direct Action and Democracy Today, 298 pp. Cambridge, UK: Polity. [A thorough discussion of justifications for nonviolent action in representative systems.]

Dinan, J. (2011). State constitutionalism in the 21st Century: State Constitutional Amendment Processes and the Safeguards of American Federalism. Penn State Law Review1151007.

Hill, M. (2014). The Public Policy Process. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.

Jaeger, P. T., Sarin, L. C., Bertot, J., & Gorham, U. (2014). Public Libraries, Public Policies, and Political Processes : Serving and Transforming Communities in Times of Economic and Political Constraint. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.

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