The Shack Response
The Shack tells a story on two levels, one as a terrible tragedy and one as a parable or allegory. There will come a point several chapters into the book where you will have to make the decision to suspend disbelief to enter fully enter the storyline. Please do so; the journey will be worth it.
Please keep in mind that this novel was written as a parable or allegory (or a kind of metaphor), and the beginning of the story is written as realistic fiction, which takes place in today’s time. It is NOT scripture although it certainly introduces Biblical topics and concepts for further contemplation. It also features an interesting, “fantastical” plot that allows for analysis of literary elements you are studying. One of the purposes of literature is to give you insights or opportunities for thoughtful extended consideration from other points of view.
(Note: You will have three (3) response assignments for the The Shack, and they are spaced throughout the eight units of the course. Each will follow the same format, but will address different sections of the novel.)
Prepare a 250+ word response (based on one of the following: Prologue – Chapter 4).
Directions and Format for preparing Shack Responses
Please use the MLA Format for the form of your paper.
Refer to chapters 29 and 30 in your textbook for general format.
Below are important items to include.
First-page header:
On left side of page one, include: Shack #1 Response
And the chapter number and title which you chose
Running Headers:
Include runner headers on top right side of each page of your paper.
Title: Create an original title for each Shack Forum Response that reflects the content of your writing.
Paragraph 1: Briefly summarize the major action/ideas of the chapter and tell why you chose this particular chapter.
Paragraph 2: For each of the four Shack Responses, identify and describe at least one literary term (e.g., point of view, character, theme, conflict) and one literary theory (e.g., formalism, reader response theory, psychoanalytic criticism) in My Literature Lab (or your textbook or other sources) that help you to better understand the selection you have chosen. Cite your sources for the usage of these literary tools and give examples from your reading. Please bold the terms you use in this paragraph. Vary your terms and theories from response to response.
*See below for MyLiteratureLab guide.
Paragraph 3: Question the author and make predictions. Be sure to describe personal connections you have to this chapter (experiential, emotional, etc.)., thus, aiding in your understanding and interpretation of the materials (refer to MLL: Reading Response Theory).
In-text Citations: Include in-text citations in MLA format throughout your paper.
Works Cited: Include a Works Cited page at the end.
Attach your submission to this assignment link for grading.
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