The Sixth Paragraph Lynchs Essay

The Sixth Paragraph Lynchs Essay Please use the link below to read ‘The Sixth Paragraph’; In this essay, the author examines the traditional five paragraph format and introduces an alternative strategy for writing essays.

The Sixth Paragraph Lynchs Essay
The Sixth Paragraph Lynchs Essay

As you read through Lynch’s essay, consider your own experiences with the five paragraph essay. Is it a valuable model or constricting? Does Lynch make his case for an alternative format? How?
Respond to Lynch’s essay by using your own writing experience. Is there a place in academia for the more personal type of essay writing Lynch describes? Do you agree or disagree with Lynch? Would you take his class? Please explain why you would or would not. You may use these questions to help you get started, but you are not required to do so. The purpose here is to begin our discussion of academic writing. Post your response in 250 -300 words. The Sixth Paragraph Lynchs Essay Please use the link below to read ‘The Sixth Paragraph’; In this essay, the author examines the traditional five paragraph format and introduces an alternative strategy for writing essays.

The Sixth Paragraph Lynchs Essay Reading and Response

As you read through Lynch’s essay, consider your own experiences with the five paragraph essay. Is it a valuable model or constricting? Does Lynch make his case for an alternative format? How?
Respond to Lynch’s essay by using your own writing experience. Is there a place in academia for the more personal type of essay writing Lynch describes? Do you agree or disagree with Lynch? Would you take his class? Please explain why you would or would not. You may use these questions to help you get started, but you are not required to do so. The Sixth Paragraph Lynchs Essay The purpose here is to begin our discussion of academic writing.

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