The Standardization of Terminologies in Nursing

The Standardization of Terminologies in Nursing
The Standardization of Terminologies in Nursing

The Standardization of Terminologies in Nursing

Order Instructions:

For a selected patient scenario, identify related NANDA, NIC, and NOC elements. Describe in detail the data, information, knowledge, and wisdom that guided you. The scenario is one that you choose and is in a context familiar to you so that you can provide the detail requested and apply your learning from this point forward.

1. Required texts may be used as references, but a minimum of three sources must be from outside of course readings.
2. All aspects of the paper must be in APA format as expressed in the 6th edition.
3. The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) is 3–5 pages in length.
4. Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly.
5. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing.


The Standardization of Terminologies in Nursing

Nursing process, the methodology that nurses apply in decision-making, entails various stages. The elementary phases of the process include data collection, carrying out the diagnoses, planning, the application of interventions, as well as the evaluation of the results that the process achieves. Standardization and the coding of patient data and diagnoses are tools that the nursing process applies. There is a variety of coding methods and among the most common ones are NADA, NIC as well as NOC styles (Park, 2010, Pg. 3). The three work jointly at different stages of the nursing process (Alexander, 2011). They lead to the generation of strategic actions and efficient communication among clinical practitioners.

The scenario of interest that the paper uses is the risk that people face against pressure ulcers infections. The occurrence is among the current areas that nurses and other clinical practitioners require addressing. The infections are common, and it would be necessary to seek the best communication methods in discussing them. To the present, pressure ulcers have caused alarming cases of mortality, poor quality of living, and economic setbacks for patients. The pathology entails the occurrence of abnormal lesions on skin surfaces that are directly over bony prominences. There is a variety of situations that place people at the risk of developing the abnormality. Among them are impaired movement, direct application of physical stress to the sites, and nutritional deficiencies (Bavaresco & Lucena, 2012, Pg. 1111). Old age, attack by systemic illnesses, exposure to humidity, and the use of medications such as the anti-inflammatory agents are common situations that increase the susceptibility of people to pressure ulcers (Bavaresco & Lucena, 2012, Pg. 1111). The most effective approaches to the condition are the preventive measures.

Nursing diagnoses for the disorder apply the concepts of NANDA. Nurses use the method to generate diagnoses such as the identification of the incompetence of the skin and exposure to injury as the primary risk factors. Nurses also employ the concepts of NANDA when they use standard diagnostic tools such as the Braden scale (Cox, 2011, Pg. 365). The scale is an instrument for assessing the vulnerability of people to pressure ulcers. The tool leads to a deep approach to pressure ulcers when it allows for the determination of the susceptibility of the skin structure to abnormalities. It does not just focus on establishing the general possibilities of the occurrence of the condition.

Nurses use NIC when categorizing the approaches to the intervention of the disease condition (Alexander, 2011). The concept allows practitioners to develop effective interventions to the disease. The creation of a healthy milieu is the commonest perspective that nurses and other practitioners take in the management of the condition. In so doing, the professionals link their NANDA diagnosis to NIC interventions. The interconnection between the diagnosis and the intervention sought through the two methods lead to disease elimination. Research data suggest that patients with a compromised immunological system face the greatest threat of pressure ulcers infection (Cox, 2011, Pg. 365). In hospitals, critically sick persons are possible victims of the disease. Again, the risk diagnoses that results from the concepts of NANDA suggest that unhealthy environment in hospitals predispose patients to pressure ulcers. NIC-generated interventions focus on improving the condition of the surroundings in clinics, wards and critical care units. Practitioners pursue the maintenance of cleanliness in the rooms where patients are as an objective regarding intervention to pressure ulcers. Practitioners take the role of protecting the patients from pressure ulcers in a variety of ways. For instance, they control the humidity levels in patients’ wards and rooms. Another common intervention for the condition includes increasing the mobility of body structures and repositioning organs that could be under physical pressure. Practitioners advise their patients to keep adjusting their positions and posture to avoid the ailment. The intervention links to the diagnosis that had described body positioning as a source of risk to the disease. Also, the NIC strategy leads to the classification of interventions on the basis of their effectiveness. Those that are most effective are the priority interventions while others are either suggested or optional. All NIC interventions and decisions should have an evidence-based element in their structure and application (Park, 2010, pg. 23). Pressure ulcers occur in various setups including hospital rooms, and the NIC strategy apply to a variety of such settings. However, there are limitations at the intervention level of pressure ulcers in that the number of studies validating the various NIC-generated approaches is small and insufficient (Bavaresco & Lucena, 2012, Pg. 1111).

NOC categorizes the outcomes of the application of the NANDA diagnosis and NIC interventions. The strategy leads to an evaluation of the success of the previous activities in terms of the eventual outcomes. NOC relates to both NANDA and NIC when establishing the achievements. The goals set in the process of evaluation through NOC relate to the alleviation of the diagnostic issue that nurses identify using NANDA. The successful eradication of the disease condition through the NIC-generated interventions serves as a measure of achievements. The strategy involves listing all the outcomes of the process in terms of the status of the patients. The expected outcomes in patients with pressure ulcers include the reduction of risk of the illness. Hospital records serve as the referencing sources when determining the achievements of the processes. For instance, the rate of infection with modified humidity in the rooms of the patients within a specified period gives the impression of the effectiveness of the methods. The NOC-evaluated outcomes could reflect both long-term and short-term achievements of NANDA and NIC based on the amount of data and the length of time that such information covers (Park, 2010, Pg. 4). In most cases, it is the comparison between the current and previous states of the patients that establish whether particular interventions to pressure ulcer management are productive. The concept of NOC requires nurses to take continuous evaluations of the progress of their patients. Preferably, the monitoring of the success of measures should commence immediately upon their application.


The standardization of terminologies applied in nursing practice is essential. It facilitates communication between professionals. In the management of pressure ulcers, the approach enhances the understanding of vital concepts and hence drives the decision-making process (Park, 2010, Pg. 23). Other processes that standardization drives include data collection and storage. The concept enhances the management of data kept in both paper and electronic media. The standardization of terminologies also facilitates the translation of concepts into a broad range of languages (Park, 2010, Pg. 26). The use of instruments in nursing diagnoses for pressure ulcers, as they apply with NANDA, leads to uniformity in the characterization of specified diagnoses. NIC interventions could be those of priority, suggestion or optional. NOC outcomes evaluate the achievements and the effectiveness of previous approaches to practice.


Alexander, J. M. (2011). Standardized nursing terminology. OHSU. Retrieved from

Bavaresco, T. & Lucena, A. F. (2012). Nursing Intervention Classifications (NIC) validated for patients at risk of pressure ulcers. Latino-Am. Enfermagem. 20(6), 1109-1116

Cox, J. (2011). Predictors of pressure ulcers in adult patients in ICU. American Journal of Critical Care, 20(5), 364-376

Park, H. J. (2010). NANDA-I, NOC, and NIC linkages in nursing care plans for hospitalized patients with congestive heart failure. University of Lowa. Retrieved from

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