The Supply Chain Management Unit This assignment accounts for 70% of the total marks for the Supply Chain Management unit. General description This assignment is intended to build on the
topics covered in lectures and the case studies analyzed in class.
It is an individual assignment where each student submits a written report. The student is asked to evaluate a supply chain situation by applying common supply chain management tools and principles, to recognize potential problems with strategic analysis and to provide critical suggestions for improvement or optimisation. The suggestions should be assessed for their feasibility and impact as well as supported by detailed calculations/graphs and explanations for any estimations made. Underlying assumptions ne ed to be declared and justified. Plagiarism and collaboration between students This coursework is explicitly an individual assessment. Collaboration and sharing between students are prohibited. If it becomes apparent that some students have collaborated, both of them will be prosecuted according to the university’s plagiarism policies. So to avoid any trouble, students must take responsibility to both not copy from others as well as to not let others copy from themselves.