The Two Ethical Systems Research Paper Submission

The Two Ethical Systems Research Paper

The Two Ethical Systems Research Paper Submission
The Two Ethical Systems Research Paper Submission

The Two Ethical Systems Research Paper Submission

Paper Topics

This assignment is called the Core Assessment Essay, as it is an essay designed by the State of Texas so that we can assess students based on certain criteria.

The State of Texas assignment states that we are to ask you to take two different ethical systems and apply them to an ethical issue, stating which system is better, and then asking how this affects both you as an individual and also the larger society, especially certain groups like minorities, women, people with disabilities, etc.

Since the State of Texas has many requirements, the essay is designed such that I can properly assess these requirements. You will also receive a grade for the assignment, so there are two assessments for this assignment. Given that there are two assessments, this essay will be structured a little differently. Since both the systems and the issue are supplied by me, you will not need to provide an introduction or a thesis.

You will explain both systems, state and argue which system better applies to this issue, and lastly explain how this affects both personal and social responsibility.

This is an attempt on my part to get you to answer what the State of Texas is asking while at the same time limiting the length of this assignment. So below you will find the central question concerning the two ethical systems and also the ethical issue, which will rotate from time to time.

Please follow the rubric exactly when writing this essay, as it is designed specifically to address the State of Texas requirements.

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