The Value and Role of Statistics in Tourism Research 1. Briefly summarise, in your own words, the value and role of statistics in tourism research. (10%)
2. In your own words, distinguish between descriptive and inferential statistics. (5%)
3. has been done by myself, so please do not worry- 29%

4. Using the SPSS file called Gender& Package
(a) Produce a cross-tabulation of the variables Gender of visitors and Type of package. Include
• expected counts and observed counts
• percentages for the likely independent variable (5%)
(b) DESCRIBE and COMMENT on the table and the differences, if any, between observed and expected values (100 words) (15%)
(c) Using Goodman and Krustal tau calculates the correlation coefficient for the gender of visitor versus the type of package. DESCRIBE and COMMENT on your findings.
(50 words). (8%)
5. Using the SPSS file SwanseaSurvey
(a) Produce a cross-tabulation of the type of the variable of visitor and level of knowledge. Include
• expected counts and observed counts
• percentages for the likely independent variable (5%)
(b) DESCRIBE and COMMENT on the table and the differences, if any, between observed and expected values (100 words) (15%)
(c) Using Kendall’s tau -c calculate the correlation coefficient for Level of knowledge of area versus the type of visitor. DESCRIBE and COMMENT on your