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The Video Assignment
The Video Assignment

The Video Assignment

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1) What was the so-called “Tuskeegee Experiment”?

2) Were the armed forces in WWII intergrated?

3) What was the job of the “Redtail Mustangs”?

4) Did the Tuskeegee airmen ever lose a bomber in WWII?

VIDEO 4: JAPANESE INTERNMENT (A government film from the time, a bit skewed to the positive, as you will notice, to an almost goofy extent. It does not show the barbed wire, soldiers, or difficulties.)

1) What area became a potential combat zone after Pearl Harbor?

2) How many people of Japanese ancestry lived on the west coast?

3) Japanese-American were living near what kinds of places that made the military nervous at the time?

4) Where did evacuee live temporarily before more permanent living quarters?

5) What were a couple of states were the internees were transferred?

6) What sort of things happened or did people do in the interment areas?

VIDEO 5: FIREBOMBING JAPAN (from documentary The Fog of War with former Defense Secretary Robert “Bob” McNamara)

1) How many people were burned to death in Tokyo, Japan?

2) When asked where the idea for incendiary bombs came from, McNamara said the thought another issue/question was the one that should be asked. What was it?

3) Tokyo was about the size of what US city?

4) If the US had lost the war, General Lamay and McNamara said the US would have been tried as what?

Don’t forget the Manhattan Project was the secret plan to develop nuclear technology and bombs in multiple secret labs.

VIDEO 6: MAGIC IN THE AIR: THE BEGINNINGS OF TELEVISION (TV will change the 1950s and unite the Baby Boomer children who watch the same few programs)

1) What kind of “show” or filmed show is hyped at the beginning to promote the coolness of TV? That is, what could you watch at home that you might miss? =)

2) A girl is shown doing what, in order to demonstrate how TV works?

3) What studio/station is shown on the cameras and such at the end? (Hint: It still exists.)



This was the first international monetary conference since what year?

2) What has to be stabilized?


How many countries were helped by the Marshall Plan?

What was the actual name of the “Marshall Plan”?

Why was it called “the Marshall Plan”?

What kind of assistance was sent to Europe?

Why did the US care so much about seeing the successful reconstruction of West Germany?

What was the capital of both German nations?

Where would you find this city?


(The Soviets resented US help in Europe, thinking of it as bribary to stay capitalistic. At one point, the Soviets cut off all road and rail access to western Berlin sectors in order to force their own control over the entire city and become sole supplier of food and fuel. The Western allies simply fly in food and fuel, the so-called “Berlin Airlift”, which was so successful that the Soviets give up. Thereafter, two formal German states are created. The two ideological sides harden, “satellite” states surrounding Russia are taken over to create the USSR, an “iron curtain” falls between the capitalist/democratic west and the communist east and the Cold War is on. The Soviets strip East Germany of factories and building supplies in order to benefit the mother country, so East Germany/Berlin would NOT prosper as in the west.)


1) Where (what environment) are nukes dropped/tested after Japan, according to what you see?

2) Then nuclear bombs are shot out of what?

3) The “mushroom clouds” get bigger over time, yes? Lastly, nukes are attached to what?

VIDEO 9: “DUCK AND COVER” (What all children in the 50s learned, a uniting experience of the Baby Boomers. When the Soviets create nuclear bombs, nuclear war and attack becomes a real prospect, and so Americans are prepared during the Cold War. Most Boomers will find these videos vaguely frightening, but also ridiculous. I mean, cover yourself with a newspaper so you don’t get burned??? LOL. Watch and “dig it, man”! More on this issue in the segment on the 1960s.)

1) What animal, named Bert, is featured as instructional aide in this video?

2) What’s the first thing that happens when a nuclear bombs goes off?

3) Where are you supposed to “duck”?

[Just for fun, you might enjoy this Southpark send up of duck and cover.]

VIDEO 10: RETURN TO LEVITTOWN: A SUBURBAN DREAM TURNS 60 (Remember the GI Bill that provided for college educations, business loans, and home loans? Well, new post-WWII prosperity and such programs cause a surge in building that will create modern suburbs and they will house the massive new-born Baby Boomer generation, born at the end of and after WWII. Check out Levittown.)

1) In what state is Levittown?

2) From where did people leave to live in Levittowns and suburbs?

3) Who or what was “Levit”

4) What was in the houses and/or towns to make life “easier”?

5) Who was essentially not allowed to buy houses here?

6) Can the American dream happen for young people again like it did then?


Video Assignment


1) What was the so-called “Tuskeegee Experiment”?
Experiment to try black American as military aviation pilot because there was no confidence in them
2) Were the armed forces in WWII intergrated?

There was no integration
3) What was the job of the “Redtail Mustangs”?
Protect the targets of the enemy aircraft bombers
4) Did the Tuskeegee airmen ever lose a bomber in WWII?

VIDEO 4: JAPANESE INTERNMENT (A government film from the time, a bit skewed to the positive, as you will notice, to an almost goofy extent. It does not show the barbed wire, soldiers, or difficulties.)

1) What area became a potential combat zone after Pearl Harbor?
West coast
2) How many people of Japanese ancestry lived on the west coast?
More than 100,000 people.
3) Japanese-American were living near what kinds of places that made the military nervous at the time?
Places near coastal areas that were highly inhabited by the Japanese-Americans
4) Where did evacuee live temporarily before more permanent living quarters?
Hotels and designated military areas
5) What were a couple of states were the internees were transferred?
California,  Oregon, Washington and Arizona
6) What sort of things happened or did people do in the interment areas?

Japanese American people were excluded from the entire west coast

Some community leaders were arrested after Pearl Harbor

There was voluntary relocation  exclusion zone confidential information about Japanese-Americans was provided by United States census Bureau

VIDEO 5: FIREBOMBING JAPAN (from documentary The Fog of War with former Defense Secretary Robert “Bob” McNamara)

1) How many people were burned to death in Tokyo, Japan?

100,000 people.

2) When asked where the idea for incendiary bombs came from, McNamara said the thought another issue/question was the one that should be asked. What was it?

Whether they would have attached Tokyo, left their soldiers to be attacked by hundreds of Japanese soldiers in Tokyo, or whether they could have attacked the civilians

3) Tokyo was about the size of what US city?

50 square mile

4) If the US had lost the war, General Lamay and McNamara said the US would have been tried as what?

Perpetrators of war

Don’t forget the Manhattan Project was the secret plan to develop nuclear technology and bombs in multiple secret labs.

VIDEO 6: MAGIC IN THE AIR: THE BEGINNINGS OF TELEVISION (TV will change the 1950s and unite the Baby Boomer children who watch the same few programs)

1) What kind of “show” or filmed show is hyped at the beginning to promote the coolness of TV? That is, what could you watch at home that you might miss? =). Foot ball games

2) A girl is shown doing what, in order to demonstrate how TV works?

Cat walking, changing clothes, and swinging

3) What studio/station is shown on the cameras and such at the end? (Hint: It still exists.)

TV station



This was the first international monetary conference since what year?


2) What has to be stabilized?

The currency


How many countries were helped by the Marshall Plan?

16 countries

What was the actual name of the “Marshall Plan”?

European Recovery Program

Why was it called “the Marshall Plan”?

Involved US Secretary of State George C. Marshall
What kind of assistance was sent to Europe?

Fuel, food shipmen, machinery and other staples

Why did the US care so much about seeing the successful reconstruction of West Germany?

It was democratic and capitalist

What was the capital of both German nations?


Where would you find this city?
Half part of Soviet

(The Soviets resented US help in Europe, thinking of it as bribary to stay capitalistic. At one point, the Soviets cut off all road and rail access to western Berlin sectors in order to force their own control over the entire city and become sole supplier of food and fuel. The Western allies simply fly in food and fuel, the so-called “Berlin Airlift”, which was so successful that the Soviets give up. Thereafter, two formal German states are created. The two ideological sides harden, “satellite” states surrounding Russia are taken over to create the USSR, an “iron curtain” falls between the capitalist/democratic west and the communist east and the Cold War is on. The Soviets strip East Germany of factories and building supplies in order to benefit the mother country, so East Germany/Berlin would NOT prosper as in the west.)


1) Where (what environment) are nukes dropped/tested after Japan, according to what you see?
In the desert
2) Then nuclear bombs are shot out of what?

Big balloons/nukes

3) The “mushroom clouds” get bigger over time, yes? Lastly, nukes are attached to what?
Nuclear bombs

VIDEO 9: “DUCK AND COVER” (What all children in the 50s learned, a uniting experience of the Baby Boomers. When the Soviets create nuclear bombs, nuclear war and attack becomes a real prospect, and so Americans are prepared during the Cold War. Most Boomers will find these videos vaguely frightening, but also ridiculous. I mean, cover yourself with a newspaper so you don’t get burned??? LOL. Watch and “dig it, man”! More on this issue in the segment on the 1960s.)

1) What animal, named Bert, is featured as instructional aide in this video?


2) What’s the first thing that happens when a nuclear bombs goes off?

It blows things. Children should lie down and cover the back of their heads

3) Where are you supposed to “duck”?

Under a chair

[Just for fun, you might enjoy this Southpark send up of duck and cover.]

VIDEO 10: RETURN TO LEVITTOWN: A SUBURBAN DREAM TURNS 60 (Remember the GI Bill that provided for college educations, business loans, and home loans? Well, new post-WWII prosperity and such programs cause a surge in building that will create modern suburbs and they will house the massive new-born Baby Boomer generation, born at the end of and after WWII. Check out Levittown.)

1) In what state is Levittown?


2) From where did people leave to live in Levittowns and suburbs?


3) Who or what was “Levit”

The mind behind cheap housing

4) What was in the houses and/or towns to make life “easier”?


5) Who was essentially not allowed to buy houses here?

African Americans

6) Can the American dream happen for young people again like it did then?


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