Theology essay of kaplan and mary daly


Theology essay of kaplan and mary daly
Theology essay of kaplan and mary daly

Theology essay of kaplan and mary daly

Theology essay of kaplan and mary daly

Choose any two texts from the final unit (Wyschogrod, Kaplan, Falk, or Daly) to write about.

This assignment is to be done in discrete sections.

Provide a brief overview of each reading. What are the major issues it deals with, and what is the central argument? You should include evidence from the text in the form of quotations (which need to be unpacked and explained in your own words).

Find one issue or topic on which the two authors could be seen to disagree. What is the source of the disagreement?

Which author is more compelling in your opinion with regard to this one issue? Explain your reasoning.

This paper is to be at least 3 pages double spaced in length (it can be longer).

Each section is worth 25% of your final grade. Each section should be at least one page in length but can be longer although the entire paper should not be more than 6 pages.

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