Theoretical Strategies of Human Services Professionalism

Theoretical Strategies of Human Services Professionalism Article Reviews should include:

Theoretical Strategies of Human Services Professionalism
Theoretical Strategies of Human Services Professionalism

* The article’s topic and purpose

*The key findings, such as results of the study and whether or not the data supported the study’s questions

* Pros and cons of the article

*The implications on further research

*How the knowledge can be applied to the human services field

Article Reviews must be double-spaced, with no extra spacing between headings or paragraphs, and have 1″ margins.

There should be no title page and abstract, but it must include APA style heading structure, citations, and a reference page. Less than 20% of the content of your Article Review can be from direct quotes.

Please see attached for the article that needs to be reviewed. Also attached is an example of a previously completed article review example.

Article: Bartram, T., Cavanagh, J., Sim, S., Pariona-Cabrera, P., & Meacham, H. (2018). Going the Extra Mile: Managers and Supervisors as Moral Agents for Workers with Disability at Two Social Enterprises. Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations, 73(4), 728ñ752.


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