This bridge called my back by Cherrie Moraga
Women voice
Your job is to locate a few special passages that are important in the reading assignment. These may give key information, back up the information given, or summarize the author’s key points. They might also be passages that strike your fancy for some reason, are particularly well written, or might be controversial or contradictory with other passages or other information learned in class. You will need to turn in at least three important passages (copy and paste the passage) and include a proper in-text citation: (Author Year, pg). For each passage, summarize the passage in everyday terminology (in other words, how you would explain the passage to your roommate), and provide an explanation of why you think the passage is important considering the larger argument the authors are making. The passages you select should come from within the body of the text, should uniquely articulate a main point the author is making (not simply be a summary the author is providing of other people’s work), and should be rooted in the original analysis the author is conducting (again, not their summary of other people’s work). Your summary and explanation should be a strong paragraph. If there is more than one reading, you will need to include at least one important passage per reading, but no fewer than three total. For example: if there are 3 short readings, one passage per reading. If there are two readings, one passage for one, and two passages for the other.
The reading ‘This bridge called my back” by Cherrie Moraga
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