To demonstrate understanding of basic research methodology

To demonstrate understanding of basic research methodology
  To demonstrate understanding of basic research                                       methodology

To demonstrate understanding of basic research methodology

This major project paper is intended to demonstrate your understanding of basic research methodology.

For this paper, you will submit a research scenario for your research question and hypothesis. Use the work you have been working on throughout this class and select the BEST method to test your hypothesis.

Include the following sections:

The title should create a good first impression, inform the reviewer of the proposed research topic, and engage the reviewer’s interest.

This is a one to two paragraph summary of the background literature that culminates with the identification of the gap in the literature (the impetus for the study) and purpose statement.

A clear statement on the purpose of the study.This should appear at the end of the introduction.

List all alternate hypotheses and null hypotheses.
Operationally define and identify the Variables. Identify the variable role (Independent, Dependent, Confounding etc) and the type of variable (categorical , continuous).

One paragraph identifying the type of approach that will be used and WHY this is the best approach to test your hypothesis.

Sampling approach, participant recruitment, participant description, rational for participant population.
Method of assessment including the measurement reliability and validity.
The details on how the research will be carried out from start to finish.
Analysis of Approach
Although you do not need to include the statistics and type of analysis as this is covered in future courses, here you will discuss the type of information you will gain from this proposed research: correlation vs causation. You should also discuss the reliability and validity of the study.

Avoid the use of direct quotes so that you can demonstrate your ability to synthesize the material. Avoid any personage (I, you, this researcher). Make sure to include the corresponding in-text citations and references. Include any recommendations and changes that were made as part of the discussion threads and article reviews.

****This is what I have gathered so far for this paper.

The future GAP in the literature I identified the need to consider the experiences of the children at home and school. Saito et al., (2017) states, “to facilitate more comprehensive research, data should be obtained from not only parents but also from teachers and include more detailed information on environmental factors”.

The purpose of this future GAP is comorbid behavioral and emotional symptomatology in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be of equal or even greater concern to families and teachers than the child’s core autistic behaviors (Pearson et al., 2006). It can lead to increased difficulty with behavior management, learning acquisition, and the development of social relationships (Pearson et al., 2006).

H1: The experiences of the children at home and school have an impact on the association between Autistic traits in preschool children and later emotional/behavioral outcomes.

Ho: The experience of the children at home and school does not have an impact on the association between Autistic traits in preschool children and later emotional/behavioral outcomes.

IV: The experiences of the children at home and school

DV: The impact on the association between Autistic traits in preschool children and emotional/behavioral outcomes.

If the IV is categorical it would be situational, circumstances, and socioeconomics. If the DV is continuous it would impact emotional/behavioral outcomes.

Things I need to look for in my measure are the experiences of children at home and school, environments of children, and socioeconomics.

I can tell if a measure is a valid and reliable one by obtaining reliable resources. What that means is I would have to obtain reliable information from valid resources, such as parents, and teachers, etc.

Pearson, D. A., Loveland, K. A., Lachar, D., Lane, D. M., Reddoch, S. L., Mansour, R., & Cleveland, L. A. (2006). A Comparison of Behavioral and Emotional Functioning in Children and Adolescents with Autistic Disorder and PDD-NOS. Child Neuropsychology, 12(4–5), 321–333.

Saito, A., Stickley, A., Haraguchi, H., Takahashi, H., Ishitobi, M., & Kamio, Y. (2017). Association between autistic traits in preschool children and later emotional/behavioral outcomes. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(11), 3333–3346.

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