Transference and Counter Transference

Transference and Counter Transference
Transference and Counter Transference

Addressing Transference and Counter Transference when working from the Interpersonal Psychotherapy Approach

For this Discussion, you will examine the role of transference and counter transference and how you might use alternative methods or interventions when dealing with counter transference in Interpersonal Psychotherapy.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the Learning Resources for this week and consider what transference and counter-transference are and how they are viewed as an integral part of the relational/Interpersonal Psychotherapy approach.

Post an explanation of what transference and counter-transference are and how they are viewed as an integral part of the relational/Interpersonal Psychotherapy approach. Explain the alternative methods or interventions that address transference and counter-transference from an Interpersonal Psychotherapy approach. Use your Learning Resources to support your post. Use proper APA format and citations.

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