Transition from Planned Economy to Mixed Economy

Transition from Planned Economy to Mixed Economy ‘The transition from a centrally planned economy to a free market or a mixed economy involves state-owned enterprises being privatized.

Transition from Planned Economy to Mixed Economy

But economists debate as to whether this is actually beneficial to the country’s economy.’ Discuss this statement from the experience of China and Russia.
This essay does not require the use of mathematics. You should familiarise yourself with the basic principles of Microeconomics and the relevant theories
(Free Market Economies against Centrally Planned Economies, Perfect Competition against a Monopoly) as have been and discussed in lectures, and how they
apply to the events of the time period in question by doing further research of your own using the books listed below.
You will need to use relevant Microeconomic diagrams in order to make your essay analytical.
Recommended Essay Structure with suggested word count and headings:

Transition from Planned Economy to Mixed Economy Essay Title

Introduction [200 words]
Economic Theory [400 words]
State Ownership and Privatisation in China [400 words]
State Ownership and Privatisation in Russia [400 words]
Conclusion [200 words]
Bibliography – Minimum 4-5 sources

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