Transnational America Essay Assignment

Transnational America
                             Transnational America

Transnational America

Analyze the United States through a transnational lens means, in part, to consider how the United States gets represented, by citizens and non-citizens alike, not only within its borders but also beyond its borders. Transnational thinking believes that we can divine something important by thinking about the traffics between peoples and nations and not thinking of nations as already sealed and stable categories of analysis. Take “Shoot an Iraqi” by Wafaa Bilal and “Love My Rifle More Than You” by Kayla Williams and put these two texts in dialogue with each other through a transnational analysis. What do you learn about the United States with this comparison?

Please make sure that your essay is composed with a unifying idea (your thesis) and is built out of textual evidence, effective rhetoric, and sound logic. These questions are meant to begin your thinking in a certain direction only. In other words, please do not merely answer the listed question, but develop your essay with your own thesis.

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