Trend in maternal mortality Research Assignment

Trend in maternal mortality
Trend in maternal mortality

Trend in maternal mortality

Use article web attached for the literature review
I will attach a sample written literature review as a guide to follow
See rubrics and instruction needed as attached

Article Critique Assignment

Formal research studies follow a systematic research process. The quality of a research study lies within all stages of the study research process. This assignment aims at integrating the major basic research processes in quantitative research concepts.

Select any quantitative nursing research article you are interested in. Compare and comment on the various sections of the study based on the ideal steps of the research process.

Choose the study from a journal probably peer reviewed journal not a mere internet site. Ensure that the
chosen article will enable you answer the questions the critique assignment should address.

Based on the steps of an ideal research process, read and critique the entire study using the information from Chapter 12 of the course book. Provide definitions and explanation of applicable step of the research process before each critique.

Reference cited statements from course textbook and the research study are needed to support each of the sections critiqued.
Adhere to the evaluation of the Evaluation of Scholarly Paper Rubric.

Questions to address:
Problem Statement and Purpose of Study
o Identify the problem statement and/or purpose of the study
o Is the problem significant to nursing?
o Does the purpose narrow and clarify the aim of the study?

Literature Review
o Does the literature review demonstrate progressive development of ideas through
previous research? What is the relationship of this study to similar previous studies in the
literature review?
o Does the literature review provide a rationale (gap) and direction for the study?
o Are the findings of previous studies used to generate the research problem and purpose?

Theoretical Framework
o Is a theoretical knowledge base (framework) developed for the problem and purpose? If a
framework is provided, is it adequate to explain the phenomenon of concern?

Objectives, Research Questions and hypotheses
o Identify the hypotheses or research questions
o Are the objectives, questions, or hypotheses expressed clearly?
o Are the objectives, questions, or hypotheses logically linked to the research purpose and

o Identify Research Variables-Independent and dependent variables of the study.
o Are the variables conceptually and operationally defined?

Research Method/Design
o Identify the quantitative research design of the study
o Is the design used the most appropriate to obtain the needed data?
o Is the design logically linked to the sampling method and statistical analyses?

o Describe the subjects being studied with inclusion and exclusion criteria
o Are any subjects excluded from the study based on age, socioeconomic status, or race, without a sound rationale?

Sample Size
o Identify the sampling method used in the study.
o Is the sampling method adequate to produce a representative sample?
o Were the sampling criteria appropriate for the type of study conducted?
o Was power analysis used to determine sample size?
Ethical Considerations
o Are the rights of human subjects protected?
o How were consents obtained? Are there any other ethical considerations?

Data Collection
o What are the data collection methods? Are the data collection methods ethical?
o Are the instruments clearly described?
o Are validity and reliability of the instruments described?

Data Analysis
o What statistical measures were used in data analysis?
o Are data analysis procedures appropriate to the type of data collected?

o What are the results or findings of the study?
o Are findings discussed in relation to each objective, question, or hypothesis?
o Are the findings clinically significant?
o How much confidence can be placed in the study findings?

o Do the conclusions fit the findings from the analyses?
o Are conclusions based on statistically significant and clinically significant results?
o To what populations can the findings be generalized?

o What are the study limitations? Are there limitations the researcher did not identify?

Implications for practice and future Research
o Does the author indicate the implications of the findings for practice?
o Discuss how the research findings can be applied to nursing practice
o Does the author indicate the implications of the findings for further research? What future
research can be envisioned?

Qualitative literature review

Please use this article for the literature review critique.Please use sample paper to do yours. Follow the sample document

Listed below are criteria that you will use to critique your primary research article. Discuss how the investigator satisfied each criterion. Cite relevant passages in the articles, with reference to page number if appropriate. Don’t merely respond “yes” or “no’ to the presence or absence of each criterion—you must provide examples and rationale for your response.

Statement of the phenomenon of interest – 6 points
1. Is the phenomenon of interest clearly identified?
2. Has the researcher identified why the phenomenon requires a qualitative format?
3. Has the researcher described the philosophic underpinnings of the research?

Purpose – 5 points
1. Has the researcher made explicit the purpose of conducting the research?
2. Does the researcher describe the projected significance of the work to nursing?

Method – 6 points
1. Is the method used to collect data compatible with the purpose of the research?
2. Is the method adequate to address the phenomenon of interest?
3. If a particular approach is used to guide the inquiry, does the researcher complete
the study according to the processes described?

Sampling – 9 points
1. Does the researcher identify the target and accessible population?
2. What sampling method was used?
3. What are the characteristics or inclusion criteria for the sample?

Data collection – 15 points
1. Is data collection focused on human experience?
2. Does the researcher describe data collection strategies (i.e., interview, observation,
field notes)?
3. Is protection of human participants addressed and if so how?
4. Is saturation of the data described?
5. Has the researcher made explicit the procedures for collecting data?

Data analysis – 20 points
1. Does the researcher describe the strategies used to analyze the data?
2. Has the researcher remained true to the data?
3. Does the reader understand the procedures used to analyze the data? State the procedure
4. Does the researcher address the credibility, auditability, and fittingness of the data?
a. Do the participants recognize the experience as their own?

a. Can the reader follow the researcher’s thinking?
b. Does the researcher document the research process?

a. Can the findings be applicable outside the study situation? b. Are the results
meaningful to individuals not involved in the research?
5. Is the strategy used for analysis compatible with the purpose of the study?

Findings – 10 points
1. Are the findings presented within a context?
2. Is the reader able to grasp the essence of the experience from the report of the

3. Are the researcher’s conceptualizations true to the data?
4. Does the researcher place the report in the context of what already is known about
the phenomenon?

Conclusion, implications, and recommendations – 12 points
1. Do the conclusions, implications, and recommendations give the reader a context in which to use the findings?
2. Do the conclusions reflect the study findings?
3. Does the researcher offer recommendations for future study?
4. Has the researcher made explicit the significance of the study to nursing?

Use of proper format (APA), grammar, spelling, and punctuation – 17 points
Student Paper General Requirements and Guidelines
1. All papers must be typewritten or printed on standard 81/2 x 11 inch white bond paper. The type-face should be times roman or courier. Do not use bold or other styles of type. Limit the use of italicized words.
2. All papers must have a title page that includes a page header, running head, title and author’s name and affiliation.
3. All papers must have margins of at least 1 inch at the top, bottom, left, and right of
every page. Do not justify the right margin and do not hyphenate words at the end of
a line.
4. The entire paper must be double-spaced including the reference list.
5. The first line of every paragraph in the paper must be indented 5 spaces.
6. There must be only 1 space after commas, colons, semi-colons, punctuation marks at the end of sentences, and periods after initials.
7. Headings may be used to organize the paper into sections.
8. The reference list must include only those references cited in the text of the paper.
9. All ideas that are not your own must be cited within the text of the paper and
referenced in the reference list. Failure to do so is PLAGIARISM.
11. Limit the use of direct quotes by paraphrasing ideas taken from references. These paraphrases do need to include citation of the author(s).
12. The citation after direct quotes must include the page number of the reference that is being quoted.

Qualitative Article Critique

There is a significant increase in the nursing shortage here in America and the number is only getting higher. The qualitative research study that was critiqued for the purpose of this paper discussed the reasons for this issue.

A phenomenological research method was used to investigate the factors that had an impact on the registered nurses’ decisions to leave the practice, therefore causing a larger nursing shortage in the healthcare field. The investigation yielded results that were consistent with the conceptualizations of the researchers.

Phenomenon of Interest
The phenomenon of interest is clearly identified throughout the article as the registered nurses’ decisions to either leave the clinical setting or to leave the field of nursing in general.

The underlying problem and reason for the study to be conducted was due to the continuous increase in the shortage of nurses in the clinical field. This shortage is partly because not enough people are going in to the profession in the first place and partly because those that do enter the profession, end up leaving shortly after for whatever reason.

The researcher has identified that this phenomenon of interest requires a qualitative format due to the method that was required in order for them to collect their desired data accurately. ” Because the focus of the research is related to the perceptions of the RNs, and because no definitive research exists about this phenomenon, an interpretive, qualitative study was deemed appropriate” ( MacKusik & Minick, 2010).

The qualitative format was the best format to approach this topic with because of the nature of the desired information.

The philosophical underpinnings of the research was not identified but the reader can infer that the researchers’ philosophy is based on improving the factors identified that cause nurses to leave clinical practice so that the nursing shortage can be reduced and more competent nurses are available on hospital units to provide quality care.

The researcher has defined the purpose of conducting the research clearly in the beginning of the article. They began by stating statistics regarding the future of nursing and how the shortage of nurses at the bedside is projected to increase in just 10 years.

The researchers went on to describe how the shortage of nurses is attributed things such as job dissatisfaction, difference in salaries to other professions and uncomfortable working environments.

They stated that although research has been done to figure out what possible factors could contribute to the shortage, none of them have been directed towards nurses that have been through it and left the field because of it.

The purpose of the study is ” to identify the factors or reasons that influenced the decision of the registered nurses to leave clinical nursing practice (MacKusik & Minick, 2010).

This study is significant to nursing because investigating the reasons that nurses leave the clinical setting will help nursing leaders and supervisors know what to look out for when bringing new nurses to the unit and how to help them adjust to the job.

It will allow for them to increase their retention rate by preventing the problems described by former nurses from happening again.

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