Tuberculosis disease surveillance system

Tuberculosis disease surveillance system
Tuberculosis disease surveillance system

Tuberculosis disease surveillance system

Order Instructions:

Dear Admin,

I need an essay in the following subject:

SWOT analysis is a powerful tool that you can use in order to assess your strengths and weakness and to anticipate threats and opportunities. By cultivating such awareness, individuals can gain valuable information that they can act upon in order to take advantage of the multiple opportunities available to them and seek assistance to meet the challenges they face. This Personal Development Portfolio assignment asks you to analyze your own strengths and weaknesses and identify opportunities and threats in your environment.

To prepare for this Personal Development Portfolio Assignment:

•Based upon the Learning Resources and your experience, reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as they relate to your goals and career development.
• Create a document with four areas labelled as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Using bullet points, fill in the document with your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as they relate to your goals and career development.

•Strengths and weaknesses are aspects of your knowledge, abilities, background and so forth. They are something you possess as a person and could potentially develop or improve upon.

•Opportunities and threats are external to you—in other words, aspects of your organisation, your industry or even the economic, social or political context in general.

•Include a brief (approximately 600 words) summary and reflection on your personal SWOT analysis.

Appreciate each single moment you spend in writing my paper

Best regards


Week 5 information: Tuberculosis disease surveillance system

TB disease surveillance system is essential in ensuring closer monitoring and management of the disease. The system must function appropriately to have tangible benefits to the users. Quality assurance is very critical part of any surveillance system that operates successful. Quality assurance ensures that the system is continuously monitored evaluated and data is improved.

In US, national tuberculosis Surveillance System (NTSS) is located at the division of tuberculosis Elimination (DTBE) and functions as the national repository of TB disease surveillance data.  Center for Diseases control and prevention   receive information/data from the various jurisdictions reports through a standardized data collection from known as RVCT) Report of Verified of Case OF Tuberculosis (Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2014).

The RVCT is usually revised on period basis to take into consideration the new changes in the disease epidemiology. The latest implementation was done in the year 2009 and it incorporated more recent development such as web-based systems.  There is still a lot that have been done to ensure that data is collected and reported well to  ensure that adequate information is available. Various teams form partnerships with public health officials and other local professionals to develop and in launching of national training programs on the new RVCT (WHO, 2014). These initiatives are undertake to foster or enhance quality of data collected. In management of TB, it is critical to have enough data or information about the prevalence of the diseases. This information on the areas the disease is prevalence as well helps to come up with appropriate strategies to manage the disease.

Five factors require consideration to ensure quality assurance of the tuberculosis surveillance systems. These components includes, case detection, data accuracy, data completeness, data timeliness and data security and confidentiality (Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2014). Case detection is the first aspect. Once an instance of specific diseases or even exposure such as TB is done, a health care worker reports it. This information as well is collected from laboratory work or from a medical or a vetenary care. The observation or such incidence should be diagnosed and verified.

Data accuracy is another important component of quality assurance. The submitted data need to match with the patient record at the location or point of care (Arkansas Department of Health, 2014).  The data recorded in the surveillance system need to remain consistent with the activities that happened in the clinical encounter if they were not clinically appropriate or if they were clinically appropriate.

The third component is data completeness.  This measure helps to ascertain whether information submitted has complete set of data items or not (Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2014). This is very important as it ensures that any information stored in the system is complete and therefore can be relied in the future. This requires verification of such information to ensure that it is complete and meets the threshold set for data completeness.

Data is also required to factor in the aspect of timeliness. It is important that prompt reporting of surveillance data is done to the health authorities.  Once the information is   accessed, it is very important that this information is reported immediately to provide an appropriate mechanisms responding to the same and instituting to preventive mechanism.

The last component is data security and confidentiality. Security of data entails measures in place geared at protecting data of public health and information systems from accessibility by unauthorized release (Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2014). It also involves measures concerning information identification, loss of information and damage of the systems. Data confidentiality aims to protect personal information gathered by public health organizations.  Personal information should not be released to third parties without the consent of the owner of the information or the patients.

 Quality Assurance components of TB surveillance system

Case detection
Data security and confidentiality
Data accuracy
Data timeliness
Data completeness


Arkansas Department of Health. (2014). National Electronic Disease Surveillance System             (NEDSS) . Retrieved from: 

Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (CDC). (2014). Hot Off the Press! Quality Assurance            for Tuberculosis Surveillance Data: A Guide and Toolkit – 2013. Retrieved             from:

Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (CDC). (2014). Tuberculosis Information Management System (TIMS) Replacements. Retrieved from:

WHO. (2014). Standards and benchmarks for tuberculosis surveillance and vital registration         systems: Checklist and user guide. Retrieved from:

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