Turbulent Water Currents on Beaches in California

Turbulent Water Currents on Beaches in California http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqT1g2riQ30 and answer the following questions in relation to the film.

Turbulent Water Currents on Beaches in California
Turbulent Water Currents on Beaches in California

1. Turbulent water currents that flow within the surf zone and flow parallel to the shoreline are called?
2. Where does the sand on our beaches in California primarily originate from?
3. How does this and travel to get to the California beaches?
4. What is longshore current? How does this differ from longshore transport?
5. What is a spit?
6. What transports the sand to the location the spit is created in?
7. What happens to allow sand to be deposited and create the spit?

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