Two periods of ancient Greek sculptural development

Two periods of ancient Greek sculptural development
Two periods of ancient Greek sculptural development

Differences and similarities between two periods of ancient Greek sculptural development

Please develop a paper in which you compare and contrast the differences and similarities between two periods of ancient Greek sculptural development as a result of the influence of the Hellenistic Age.

Two periods of ancient Greek sculptural development

The Hellenistic Age brought about a widespread liberation of parameters for sculptors in the Greek world. Please develop a paper in which you compare and contrast the differences and similarities between two periods of ancient Greek sculptural development as a result of the influence of the Hellenistic Age.

Your paper should consider two examples of sculpture – one from the Classical period and one from the Hellenistic Age. Your paper should also contain content which addresses the following four questions:
1. What techniques or features are unique to the sculpture of this period -both Classical and Hellenistic?

2. What was the focus of the artists of these periods-what themes or ideals were they trying to display?

3. Why is the sculptural example you’ve chosen a good representation of the ideals of the period?

4. Describe the political changes that occurred between the Classical and Hellenistic Ages. How did these changes affect the sculptors and their work?

Your paper should be three FULL pages in length, but no more than four. It should be typed in MLA format, 12 pt. font, double-spaced, with standard 1î margins. Your paper needs to have a Works Cited page, but this page does not count towards the minimum length of the paper.


Your paper should utilize at least two sources, with a maximum of three. These sources should be quoted correctly (when relevant to your paper) and should be listed in your Works Cited page.

Below is a list of approved and banned sources:You can use – Scholarly books and journal articles, as well as scholarly eBooks and digitized journal articles (see the explanation below for how to look up journal articles through the library database).You CANNOT use – Any course textbook (ours, another course’s text), any website (NO WEBSITES – even .eduî sites), any reference book (including encyclopedias, almanacs, Time Life books, etc.), or anything that might be considered a children’s book.



-Write your paper on Greek sculpture, not on pottery or architecture.-Turn your paper in via Canvas in the week it is due. -Include your Works Cited page as part of your paper.-Make sure you adequately address the four questions (see above) in your paper.

-Utilize academic sources – books, journal articles, eBooks, and digitized journal articles are all OK. -Make sure you understand how to look up online journal articles (see my step-by-step guide below).-Read your paper out loud to yourself before submitting it (you’ll catch grammar errors this way).


-Use any website, any textbook, or my PowerPoint lectures as a source. These are NOT allowed.-Plagiarize. See the explanation below for what plagiarism is and is not. Plagiarism = automatic zero.-Use block quotes – keep quotes to two or three lines (max).

I want to hear your voice in the paper. -Write on the Archaic age – the paper is only on the Classical and Hellenistic ages. -Use Athena Parthenos or Colossus of Rhodes as examples – these have not existed for centuries, and there are no accurate copies, only guesses.

Your paper needs to have a Works Cited page, but this page does not count towards the minimum length of the paper.

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