Types of literary criticism Essay Assignment

Types of literary criticism
Types of literary criticism

Types of literary criticism

For this response you will need to find a poem that you like, but you cannot be the author of that poem. Read the poem and highlight and annotate what catches your attention. Next, write a short response of at least one page that discusses the theme of the poem and how the author presents that theme (word choice, rhyme, form, imagery, symbolism). Include at least one short quote from the poem in your response. Parenthetical documentation and a works cited entry are needed for this assignment. The parenthetical citation will give the author’s last name and the line number from the poem – for example (Frost line 2).

Please remember that a reader response is a type of literary criticism. Do not try to discuss all the aspects of the literary work. Use evidence from the work to support your ideas and establish a clear connection between those ideas and the work itself.

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