Underground Economy or Banking The Euro vs US Dollar

Underground Economy or Banking The Euro vs US Dollar Option 1- write about the underground economy. What causes it, what factors make it grow relative to GDP, why does all the literature use GNP rather than GDP, etc.

Underground Economy or Banking The Euro vs US Dollar
Underground Economy or Banking The Euro vs US Dollar

Option 2:Banking: The Euro vs US Dollar- What is the implication of a strong Euro-vis-a-vis the US dollar-who benefits? What are the causes for this drop in
value against the Euro? Is the Dollar poised to drop some more? Why? Is there a danger is the huge US budget deficit in regards to the stability of the
dollar? what would it mean for world commerce if the US dollar lost its leadership role ? What would it mean for the US? Should the world ( Oil markets) move away from the dollar in favor of the Euro?
Please feel free to come with any suggestions- please write this paper with clear terms, avoiding long phrases and complicated terms. Also, use sources
accordingly, and make sure it makes a smooth transition -within the text
Clarity of structure and objectives, understanding the topic , application of economic theory and models , relevant research to support and backup your
ideas, proper grammar and spelling- avoid fragments .

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