Underground Railroad and the Early American History

Underground Railroad and the Early American History 1) Describe 2 new things you learned about the Underground Railroad that were not in the text or the Haber content comments. Be thorough in your description.

Underground Railroad and the Early American History
Underground Railroad and the Early American History

2) What surprised you? You must display learning and information from the website. Use detail and evidence to back your generalizations. For instance do not only state , “It surprised me it was so difficult”. Why was it difficult? Expand by describing the journey in depth.
3) Describe two new people or types of people you met on the way. You must display information from the website
Part Two
Read this letter from Thomas Garrett to Harriet Tubman (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Answer each of these questions:
1) How does Thomas Garrett’s letter add to your understanding of the Underground Railroad? Use at least two specific examples from the letter.
2. How does this letter add to your understanding of Thomas Garrett’s role in the activities of the Underground Railroad?


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