Understanding Human Growth & Development

Understanding Human Growth & Development
Understanding Human Growth & Development

Understanding Human Growth & Development

STEP 1: Continuing with Psychological Research.
VIEW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=8Dv2Hdf5TRg

STEP 2: Please view the link provided below from the CDC about developmental milestones. (You can cut and paste the link into your web browser).

* Explain how culture and environment can impact development.
Imagine that you have a 3 year old daughter who is not yet potty trained. Based on what you know and have learned about development, should you be concerned? Why or why not?

STEP 3: Explain what the cohort effect is. One-two sentences.

STEP 4: What are the nine stages of development and which a normal 33 year old is at married and with kids and finishing college? ______________________________ .
STEP 5: Why should we not rely on our own personal knowledge to explain human development?

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